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Themes: Loving, Consensual, Body Transformation, Cat Girl, Dog Dick

Word Count: 4,074

Summary: William and Joyce are just two of Brockton Bay's ever shrinking civilian population. The ones who have nothing to do with the growing threat of gangs or the parahumans that trash the city day in and day out. They're just trying to make it through life one step at a time. Until Joyce finds a magic shop and brings home some gifts from another world for them to spice up their sex life with~


William yawned as he scratched at his chest. The twenty year old young man was laid back on the bed in the one bedroom one bath apartment he shared with his girlfriend Joyce. She was out doing some late afternoon, early evening shopping and William had just gotten home from his nine to five down at Medhall. While white, the young man was in no way a racist or a nazi. He had no ties to any hate groups, nor did Joyce. 

A rare commodity in Brockton Bay, they were two average every day citizens, no gang affiliations, no parahuman family members, and no powers. He and Joyce were just trying to get through life one step at a time, but that was made all the more difficult by the villainous elements in Brockton Bay. William let out an explosive sigh as he watched Lung brawl it out near the docks with Hookwolf, the latter backed up by Fenja and Menja.

It was depressing that such fights were a daily occurrence in Brockton Bay. So depressing was it that William felt the need to change the channel, grabbing up the remote and flipping through channels until he found a rare TV drama that didn’t have any capes or parahumans or powered people of any kind in it. Just normal people doing normal things. A satisfied smile on his face, William set the remote back down on the comforter beside him and laced his hands over his chest.

He still hadn’t gotten undressed besides removing his dress shoes and loosening his tie, but William didn’t mind too much. Just getting off his feet and getting to unwind was enough for him. Though, when he heard the door unlock and saw it swing open with his girlfriend on the other side, William was quick to jump up and help her out after seeing just how many bags she was juggling.

The young man furrowed his brow in confusion as he glanced in the bags to see what she’d bought. Looking to his crimson haired girlfriend, he found an impish little grin on Joyce’s face.

“What is this stuff Joyce?”

The grin grew as Joyce directed him to set the bags he had taken from her down on the bed, doing the same with her own remaining satchels. Together, they both began to pull items out of the bags, Joyce organizing her purchases and William reading the labels on each thing in bewilderment before handing them off to his girlfriend.

“The hell? ‘Little Shop of Corruption’? Isn’t that new Tinker shop on the boardwalk that everyone’s been talking about on PHO?”

Joyce’s grin widened even further and she shook her head back and forth as she took the next item, a round fruit covered in whiskers from his hand.

“That’s the thing Will, I went in there today to check it out and I don’t think its tinker tech. I think it might actually be magical.”

The look on William’s face was disbelieving, but then that was the look that he was ultimately going for, so mission accomplished.

“Joyce… really? I don’t know PHO seemed pretty sure that magic isn’t real. It’s like Myrddin up in Chicago. He calls himself a wizard and some of his more zealous fans believe it, but the science is clear, he’s as much a parahuman as anyone else in the Protectorate.”

His girlfriend’s smile slowly slipped away and Joyce shook her head back and forth.

“I’m serious Will… I think this shop was really magical. Who are you going to believe baby, some skeptics on PHO who have never even seen the place, or me? I went in there Will. I know what I saw.”

Seeing how serious Joyce was about all this, William slowly nodded before reaching out and taking her hands in his. He led his girlfriend around to the side of the bed and sat her down, giving her his full attention. They hadn’t been sweethearts since sixteen for nothing after all.

“Okay Joyce. I believe you. Walk me through it, what made it all indistinguishable from tinker bull crap?”

The red head seemed relieved that he was taking her seriously. She started off a little slow but eventually, she was in full swing, yammering on at a hundred miles a minute, like William had learned to expect from her. 

“W-Well, to start with, the Enforcers are having a hell of a time getting into the place. That’s actually what first grabbed my eye about the place. I got to the boardwalk and immediately saw two Enforcers pawing at a blank wall in stupefaction. Then, one of them went inside the building for a moment and when they came back out they seemed flabbergasted.”

Joyce took a breath and licked her lips.

“I watched them for a moment before moving on, but eventually I ran into another similar scene like, fifteen minutes later. It wasn’t until the third time that I actually saw what they were trying to find. It was so fancy and ornate and there really wasn’t an actual door, it was just an entry way with the words “Little Shop of Corruption” over it. I heard some shouting and looked away for just a second to see an Enforcer running towards the entrance, but when I looked back, the entryway was just gone.”

Pressing his lips together, William considered what his pretty red haired girlfriend was saying and nodded slowly as he processed it all.

“Okay… so probably not just teleporting entrance but entire teleporting shop. And if it was displacing other businesses on the boardwalk we’d be hearing about the Protectorate getting involved, so I guess it’s some kind of pocket dimension thing where only the doorway is technically IN our world… could still be tinker tech though Joyce, PHO has been calling it a Toybox rip off in particular and they’ve got pocket dimensions too.”

Seeing the look on his girlfriend’s face, William was hasty to continue his statement with a reconciliatory conclusion.

“Buuuut, you did go inside of the store itself to buy all of this stuff, so I assume there’s other stuff that tipped you off about the whole magic thing. Tell me about that!”

The smile was back on Joyce’s face in a moment and William let out an inner sigh of relief as he paid close attention to his lovely girlfriend as she went right back to explaining her experience to him.

“Well, the next time I saw the doorway into the shop; there were no Enforcers around to scare it off. And when I stepped towards it, it didn’t disappear on me. So I had to go in of course, a place named like that? To be honest, I was expecting some kind of sex shop.”

Here Joyce paused briefly, blushing deeply as William raised both eyebrows and glanced back at all the things she’d gotten.

“… And?”

“And it was totally a sex shop! But a magical one, like seriously Will! The first thing I saw once I walked inside was a huge piece of poster board with a big “BUYER BEWARE” in red letters… and a list of rules for the shop, but I didn’t really read those because I was just too excited to see the place. I did get a pamphlet when I bought everything though and it’ll apparently tell us how to use the stuff I picked up. Anyways, there was like, a magical field that made it so electronic stuff didn’t work. I tried to use my phone to take pictures but it wouldn’t work, the thing was dead until I got out of the store.”

William frowned at that.

“What about the cash registers? Or the lighting?”

Joyce shook her head and grinned wider.

“Totally mechanical and old fashioned and the lights were all either magical braziers with multicolored flames or these glowing warm stones that you could totally pick up and look at. I checked one out Will, there was no wires and no screws or anywhere that batteries would go. The thing was impossibly smooth and completely solid. It just worked.”

Slowly, William was coming around to Joyce’s side. It all sounded fantastical, even by parahuman standards. 

“… And what kind of tinker tech doesn’t work with technology?”

The words slipped free of his mouth almost unconsciously but when Joyce glomped him in response, hugging him tightly, William didn’t try to take them back, figuring he’d said the right thing to score brownie points with the red head. Though there was one thing that confused him a little. He made sure to mention it when they pulled back a moment later.

“I do have to wonder why you weren’t stopped on your way out of the boardwalk though Joyce. You’d think the Enforcers would be confiscating stuff from the place since they can’t actually get into the store itself.”

Joyce’s grin grew even wider, stretching from ear to ear.

“That’s the best part Will. The store has an entrance and an exit and you ALWAYS go out the exit when you leave. While the entrance is apparently always located someplace on the boardwalk, the exit deposits you where-ever you want to go. I walked out of a nearby wall and found myself within twenty feet of our apartment. I left the shop about ten minutes ago at this point.”

William’s eyebrows shoot up even higher and he glances to the entrance of their apartment, imagining Joyce just walking out of a nearby wall like nothing had happened. The mental image made him chuckle a little. What would their neighbors think if they saw her? Would people assume Joyce was a parahuman? Tearing his thoughts away from such things, William finally focused on the important bits. He looked at all the stuff Joyce had bought and a grin to match his girlfriend’s spread across his face.

“Well sweetheart, you’re the expert. Where do we start?”

The happy smile that lit up Joyce’s face made it all pretty much worth it, no matter what happened next. William kept grinning as the red head looked everything over and then grabbed the pamphlet and began to read. A couple minutes later, just as he was beginning to get a little impatient, Joyce put the pamphlet down and nodded confidently.

“Okay! Got it! I think we need to start with the eggs!”

That said, she grabbed up a carton of the things and opened it up to reveal a rainbow of different colored eggs inside. Grabbing one that was pink and one that was blue, Joyce handed the blue egg over to William and kept the pink one for herself. He stared down at the egg with an inquisitive expression on his face, the feel of it far different from the normal chicken eggs they bought at a real grocery store.

“U-uhm, we should probably strip first so we can fully see the effects.”

“Oh, good idea!”

The two lovers set down their respective eggs and quickly got undressed, neither of them really embarrassed to be around each other naked after four years in a committed relationship with one another, three of which had been intimate. Grabbing up the blue egg off the bed once again, William glanced at it and then as Joyce as his crimson haired girlfriend snatched up her own egg and in a moment of sheer audacity, popped it in her mouth and swallowed it whole.

William stared, his egg remaining untouched as he watched to see what would happen to the pretty red head he loved so much. What happened in the end was, she got even prettier. Or that is to say, she got a bit curvier, while her face looked even more feminine than before, oddly enough. It was still Joyce, but it was a slightly more sexualized version of Joyce, like she was in the middle of one of those bimbofication graphics he sometimes jerked it to online, but not all the way done.

The red head had shut her eyes when she swallowed, standing absolutely still and waiting for things to finish changing. Once her body had settled down into its new form, similar but oh so different, Joyce opened her eyes up and looked down at herself, whistling as she did.

“Damn, I think I went up like half a cup. Nice.”

William snorted derisively and walked over to the dresser, grabbing Joyce’s hand mirror and holding it out to her.

“That’s not all love.”

Joyce snatched the mirror from his grasp and stared at her face for a second, touching her slightly more pouty lips and her nose.

“Wow. I look… sexy. Not too over the top, but definitely more attractive than before. The pink egg was supposed to do this though so I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. Pink for femininity, blue for masculinity. Speaking of which, go on Will! Pop that bad boy in your mouth and swallow!”

Rolling his eyes at the innuendo, William did proceed to do exactly that, seeing no reason to wait any longer. Swallowing the small blue egg whole was actually surprisingly easy, like it was made to go right down his throat the moment it touched his tongue. Unlike his girlfriend, William didn’t close his eyes. Instead, he stared down immediately, watching in anticipation as his cock, an average size normally, abruptly grew a few inches.

Grinning wickedly, William reached down and grabbed hold of his half-hard shaft, his girlfriend’s naked body and then enhanced naked body getting his engine going even if they weren’t doing anything ‘hands on’ quite yet.

“Oh yeah baby, that’s what I’m talking about.”

“Holy shit, that’s got to be three or four more inches. How is that ever going to fit inside of me?”

William just chuckles as he hefts his newly massive member up in one hand.

“Well, considering my dick got an upgrade, who’s to say your pussy didn’t? We’ll have to try it out, won’t we?”

That got a blush from Joyce as she bit her lower lip and began to nod, almost transfixed by his dick. The red head stepped forward, already reaching for his enhanced steadily thickening schlong, only to stop herself at the last moment.

“Wait! Not yet, there’s still some more items to play with!”

Blinking, William watched as Joyce moved back to the bags and the items she’d grabbed. Eventually, she pulled out a the fruit with the whiskers all over it that looked like some kind of mutated peach as well as a rather mutated looking pepper as well. Grinning impishly, Joyce held out the pepper to him and kept the peach for herself.

“… What do they do Joyce?”

Smirking, Joyce popped her whisker peach in her mouth, chewing and swallowing it in just a few seconds. A moment later she let out a gasp and William watched wide eyed as actual honest to god cat ears grew out of the top of her head, melding perfectly with her normal human hair. Then she spun around and his eyes were distracted by movement as he glanced down and saw the new cat tail coming out of her tail bone right above her ass, flicking this way and that.

His girlfriend was now a cat girl. William processed this, thought about all of his furry fantasies growing up and promptly popped the pepper into his own mouth, chewing the spicy thing up and swallowing it all down. It took a moment, but then the transformation began for him as well and a few moments later he had a pair of ears atop his head. No tail though, instead William looked down at his already enhanced cock to find a tapered wolf prick where there’d once been a human shaft.

He looked up to see Joyce was staring down at his new doggy dick looking just as surprised as he felt. More than surprised though, he felt… aroused. His huge canine cock swiftly grew the rest of the way to full mast, causing Joyce to gasp and cover her mouth with her hands in abject shock at just how big he was when throbbing hard.

William was already moving forward though and before Joyce knew it; her boyfriend had her in his arms. The partially transformed dog morph kissed his cat-girl girlfriend deeply and the red head immediately melted into his embrace, her hands resting against his broad masculine chest and her tits running up and down along his pecs as well as she leaned up on her tip toes to meet his passionate lips.

They made out like this in their new forms for a little while before William couldn’t stand waiting another second. He walked them the two steps back towards the bed that he needed to and then spun them both around, pushing Joyce face first down onto the bed and climbing on to the mattress behind her as quickly as possible.

The crimson haired cat girl immediately got up on her hands and knees to meet his massive doggy dick, pressing her curvaceous bottom back against his cock as William humped at her delectable derriere, panting like the dog he now partially was. Eventually though his human mind took over for a second to get things actually going. William got up on one foot and mounted his beautiful voluptuous lover, pushing Joyce face first down into the bed and pulling her hips up towards his tapered tip at the same time. 

He slid down into her cunt and groaned, filling her sopping wet pussy with inch after inch of his schlong. As he’d guessed, Joyce’s insides were more ‘feminine’ as well; her walls stretching for his new size quite readily, much to her vocal enjoyment. The pinned down cat girl didn’t feel an ounce of discomfort as her hung boyfriend pushed his new member into her from above. William began to thrust in and out of her almost immediately and within moments Joyce was right over the edge, crying out as she climaxed noisily around his shaft.

The cat girl’s fingers clawed at the bed sheets in front of her and the whole mattress was shaking with the force of their rutting, but thankfully the whisker fruit hadn’t actually given Joyce any claws, this time at least. There was no fabric tearing as a result, however the bags of stuff from the Little Shop of Corruption did end up strewn all over the floor as they fell off the bed. 

Neither lover was really in their right minds to notice or care at the moment, as lost in their new animal instincts as they were. William fucked the ever living hell out of his girlfriend, eager to cum inside of her and knot her, plugging his mate up so that she would get pregnant with his seed. This was what the wolf presence in his mind said he had to do and the human side, as horny as it was, didn’t bother trying to disagree, just happy to be fucking the love of his life.

Meanwhile, Joyce would probably be enjoying things a lot less if it was a cat dick rather than a dog dick that was currently plowing her so thoroughly. Those barbs would have ruined her day quite thoroughly, but instead all she had to deal with was a massive tapered wolf schlong burying itself as deep inside of her as it could over and over again. It felt heavenly, even the throbbing knot slapping against her pussy lips with each thrust was adding to the pleasure.

The cat girl yowled as she came yet again and her pussy walls tightened in such a way that William growled as he was brought to his own release. Only now did Joyce understand the problem as that big fat knot that had been slapping against her pussy lips suddenly came in for a landing. William pulled back as he felt his orgasm approaching and as he began to cum, he slammed forward instinctively, the large bulbous knot at the base of his shaft lodging itself in Joyce’s already stretched cunt for a brief second and then popping all the way in, locking them together entirely.

There was a moment of pain, followed by the most intense pleasure of Joyce’s life as she felt William cumming deep inside of her, painting the walls of her womb and her cunt white with a copious amount of seed. And then that extremely full sensation stayed with her as not a drop of his sticky cum could get out of her, not with the way they were tied together. Joyce’s eyes rolled up in her head and the red head came one final time around his huge doggy dick and his knot, her pussy juices flooding along his length but just as stoppered up inside of her as his cum was.

William collapsed to the side of his girlfriend, panting heavily. Thanks to the knot keeping their bodies locked together, Joyce went with him, ending up on her side as he pulled her back to him, the big spoon to her little spoon. Her long sinuous cat tail whipped back and forth against his muscular chest as she panted just as heavily as he did. The two of them were both breathing hard for several long seconds before they each managed to catch their breath.

When they had, Joyce’s first action was to lean her head back and nuzzle her face against the underside of William’s chin as he wrapped his arms around her waist possessively, murring his own happiness from his throat.

“That was… fantastic Will. I loved every moment of it.”

“No complaints here sweetheart. Definitely wouldn’t want to take the new dick for a test drive with anyone but you.”

Joyce giggled and wiggled her curvy ass back against his crotch, gasping as his knot slipped against her slick stretched pussy lips in a way that sent another burst of pleasure through her body. Her inner walls milked at Will’s soft cock, but she could tell he wasn’t ready to go again yet. Though… there was something she’d gotten specifically for this, wasn’t there?

Looking to the foot of the bed, Joyce mewled in disappointment at seeing all of the bags gone, having fallen off onto the floor during their intense lovemaking. William just snickered at her cat-like sounds and nuzzled her red hair, kissing the top of her head. Joyce smiled and settled in for the time being, knowing she’d get the chance to introduce her lover to another something she’d gotten from the shop as soon as the knot currently locking them together dissipated.

Slowly, she could hear William’s breath evening out behind her. The male dog morph fell asleep with her in his arms and the red haired cat girl eventually did the same, drifting off once she’d wiggled around a bit and found a comfortable position up against his chest. Both of them were perfectly happy with their purchases. Though whether they would still be so when they found out the changes were semi-permanent… well, time would tell.


William woke up slowly, groaning as Joyce shook him. He opened his eyes and blinked them a few times before finally taking in his crimson haired girlfriend, complete with cat ears and a flicking, swishing cat tail. So it hadn’t all been a dream… that was nice. Glancing down at his crotch, he saw his sheathed wolf dick sitting there, though it was already starting to grow at the sight of his beautiful girlfriend.

When he finally looked back at Joyce she was grinning and holding up a bottle filled with a dark pink liquid. The red haired cat girl popped it open and took a long whiff of the stuff. Almost immediately she was flushed red, breathing out through parted pouty lips that she licked as she handed the bottle over to him and grinned salaciously.

“Ready for round two lover boy?”

Taking the bottle from his girlfriend, William took a long sniff as well and his eyes widened and dilated as his cock rapidly expanded. After a moment, he put the bottle aside on the end table and returned his girlfriend’s wicked grin with one of his own as he got up onto his knees and reached for the beautiful extremely fuckable woman in front of him.

“Oh yes…"



Let's see: Little Pink Egg, Little Blue Egg, Whiskered Fruit, Canine Pepper, and at the end Lust Drought.