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Themes: Consensual, Loving, Threesome, Very Mild Brainwashing

Word Count: 2,320

Summary: Willow doesn't get why her childhood friend and her girlfriend are so at odds with each other. It's like they know each other or something... one teensy spell to help them relax should clear things up right? Right!

Part 2  



Willow blinked stupidly as she looked between her best friend and her girlfriend. Xander Harris and Tara Maclay were looking at each other with wide surprised eyes. This was not exactly how Willow had expected their first meeting to go. Stepping up, she drew their gazes to her, pointing at one and then the other.

“Nooo, you’re Xander and you’re Tara.”

Both of them flushed red at her tone, which was just as well because Willow had fully intended for it to come across like she was trying to teach something to toddlers. Honestly though, the crimson haired witch was beginning to get a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as she glanced between the two of them. Xander and Tara finally seemed to recover and both turned to her, speaking at the exact same time again.

“Wills, you know this girl?”

“Willow, who is he really?”

Then they realized they’d talked over each other and glared at one another. Willow could definitely see a problem brewing here, so pursing her lips together; she stepped between the two and placed her hands on their chests.

“Ooookay, don’t know exactly what’s going on here, but yes, I know you both. Tara, this is Xander Harris, my best friend from childhood. And Xander, this is Tara Maclay. She’s my g-girlfriend.”

It was still a little difficult for Willow to say, but she got it out with only a slight stammer before biting her lip, blushing a bit at the statement even as she ducked her head. 

“You’re… gay?”

Willow winced, sort of expecting that reaction from Xander. Only, when she finally glanced up at him to see his face, Xander wasn’t looking at her. He was looking at Tara. Wait… why was he looking at Tara? The blonde was frozen in place, her normally pouty lips pressed together in a thin line as she gave a half shrug.

“I’m bisexual… Xander Harris.”

Willow blinked at that, the use of Xander’s full name. She looked back at her childhood friend to find Xander was the only stiffened up now, a flush of embarrassment across his face. Finally, Willow managed to put two and two together.

“Wait… you two knew each other before now?”

The gaze between the two of them finally broke as they turned to Willow and nodded. Tara crossed her arms over her chest.

“Of course, Xander here told me his name was Keith. Now I’m wondering what ELSE he lied about.”

“What?! How can you be so hypocritical!? You told me your name was Kelly! And now I find you here, going to college with Willow! Did you even need that dishwasher job, or did you just take it because you’re a pervert and you wanted some free ogling of the male dancers?!”

Tara let out a gasp even as Willow’s eyes grew progressively wider, her head snapping back and forth between the two of them until another tidbit finally caught her attention and she held up her hands, bringing their little back and forth to a stop.

“Wait! Wait… Xander, why were you surprised to find out Tara likes girls?”

That caused Xander to tense up and Tara to do the same. Willow looked at the two of them, her brow furrowing deeper and deeper in confusion, until eventually Xander just coughed into his hand and cleared his throat.

“I don’t… I uh… I’ve got to go.”

And then he was walking away fast, faster than Willow had ever seen anyone walk, to the point that he was almost sprinting away. Willow blinked owlishly and then looked to Tara, only to find the blonde stiff and pale. Willow opened her mouth but Tara shut her up by leaning in and suddenly kissing her on the lips, hard. The uncharacteristic action completely shut down Willow’s thought processes and she froze for a moment, bluescreening and then rebooting, melting into the kiss.

By the time they parted, Willow was a little dazed and making cute confused sounds from her mouth as Tara hooked their arms together and began to lead the red head away in the opposite direction of where Xander went. Willow wouldn’t remember to be curious and concerned until later in the day, and by that point it would be too late to get answers.


Weeks later, Willow decided she was going to figure out what was going on anyways. She looked down at the spell book in front of her and then at the ingredients arrayed behind it. Smiling, Willow knew that she had this in the bag. This spell was perfect for her situation. She would activate it during dinner tonight, which she’d planned out and invited both Xander and Tara to, without telling either of them about the other. 

The spell wouldn’t cause any actual harm. It was a completely benign bit of magic. Its effects were mental, but it wouldn’t change any of them. All it would do was make the most positive feelings come to the surface, so that they could all see the best in each other, rather than being bogged down by all those negative emotions!

Willow grinned and began to get everything ready; preparing it all to the very last step so that she could simply say the activation phrase and the spell would be finished. This was the perfect plan, she just knew it! Though of course, she would only use the spell if Xander and Tara wouldn’t just sit down and talk like normal people. Willow wasn’t about to let two of the most important people in her life stay at odds, not if she could help it.

Her best friend and her girlfriend were going to deal with their shit and she would be there to help them through it. 


Willow grimaced, the silence so palpable one could cut it with a knife. She winced as Xander did just that, the sound of his knife cutting through the meat audible as it hit the plate beneath it. The sounds of silverware filled the room, as neither Xander nor Tara were in any mood to speak to each other, or her for setting this up. So far, not so good… but Willow had her trump card still to play!

Putting down her utensils, Willow planted her hands palm down on the table and then stood up abruptly, drawing the attention of the other two people at the table as she glared at both of them.

“Fine! If you two don’t want to talk, I’ll just have to make you!”

And then she said the activation spell, even as Xander and Tara hurriedly stood up as well, eyes wide as the room shook just a bit while Willow was shouting. Then it was over and the spell was active. Willow smiled happily and looked at Xander and Tara. Then, her smile faltered as she really LOOKED at them. The red haired witch hadn’t quite though her spell through entirely. Bringing all those positive emotions to the surface with two people she loved with all her heart… well, Xander and Tara’s faces were changing too and soon enough all three of the young people in the room were blushing.

Then the table was shoved out of the way as they rushed to meet each other, three pairs of lips trying to kiss one another at once. Willow didn’t understand what was going on, had she fucked up the spell somehow? Did she even really care? She moaned into Tara’s mouth as the blonde felt her up and she quickly moved to do the same with her girlfriend’s own tits. Looking down briefly, Willow’s eyes widened as she watched Tara use her other hand to stroke the front of Xander’s crotch, where there was a surprisingly large bulge growing.

Xander let out a guttural moan and that’s when all three of them broke apart. Clothes started flying off and soon enough, they were naked before each other. Willow’s wide eyes darted between Xander and Tara, staring and ogling them equally, even as they did the same to her and each other. Then, Tara was kneeling in front of Xander, so Willow decided to do the same. She watched as her girlfriend took hold of Xander’s growing member, his cock getting harder by the moment, especially when Tara began to stroke it up and down.

Willow tried to do the same with one hand, but she couldn’t just ignore Tara as well, could she? The red head laced the fingers on her other hand into the back of Tara’s blonde mane, turning her girlfriend’s head towards her and kissing those pouty lips enthusiastically. The two of them made out right there in front of Xander as they gave him a double handjob, until he groaned and a moment later was suddenly cumming all over their faces and their breasts.

The crimson haired witch responsible for all this flinched away at first, but then she saw Tara trying to catch as much of Xander’s cum load on her tongue as she could and Willow found herself once more copying her girlfriend. She swallowed Xander’s seed when she saw Tara doing the same, but they were now such a mess… when Tara began to lick her clean, it seemed only right to do the same, moaning all the while.

Things were a bit blurry after that, but Willow became very much aware again when she found herself laying on her bed with Tara over her and Xander’s big hard cock pressed between their bodies. Willow’s eyes widened as she and Tara kissed, but she didn’t try to push the blonde off or anything like that. Instead, she whimpered into Tara’s mouth and began to undulate her body in the same way her girlfriend was, their breasts rubbing together and their pussy lips rubbing against the top and bottom of Xander’s cock.

When he suddenly thrust into her cunt, Willow’s whimper turned into a full blown moan, muffled only by Tara’s lips. She was being kissed and molested by her beautiful blonde girlfriend while at the same time being fucked by her childhood friend. Willow’s mind bluescreened again as she tried to process just what was happening. Ultimately though, she gave it up as impossible and just settled for going with the flow. Xander’s cock pistoned in and out of her cunt over and over again and soon enough she found herself going right over the edge.

Willow’s climax was explosive, a loud ugly cry leaving her throat as she broke her lip lock with her girlfriend to throw her head back. Her back arched up, pushing her chest into Tara’s as she writhed and squirmed beneath the blonde. Her pussy muscles clenched down hard around Xander’s pistoning cock and her inner walls spasmed rhythmically. The only warning she got was a startled shout from her best friend before the young man began to cum deep inside of her. He pulled out, but the damage was already done, half of his seed deep in her cunt as the rest painted her crotch and Tara’s ass white.

The red head couldn’t find it in herself to be mad though, as tired as she was. She lay back, panting heavily, a happy smile on her face, until suddenly she felt Tara shifting in a more frantic way on top of her. Blinking dumbly, Willow realized from the look on her blonde girlfriend’s face that she was also being fucked by Xander. The crimson haired witch could hardly believe it. Just how much stamina did Xander have? How much CUM did he have?! 

Enough for at least three loads of seed from the look of things, because he was happily pistoning away in an equally ecstatic Tara as the two fucked literally right on top of Willow. Deciding not to worry so much about it, the red head leaned up and pulled Tara’s head down, covering her moaning mouth with her lips. This time it was her turn to molest and kiss her girlfriend, while her girlfriend got fucked nice and hard from behind by Xander.

The little impromptu threesome lasted for a little while longer, but eventually Tara’s nonstop orgasms brought Xander right over the edge a third and final time and he came inside of her as well before pulling out belatedly. The two girls were covered in sweat, each other’s pussy juices and Xander’s cum, but they didn’t care. Neither did Xander, because he was happy to join the ensuing cuddle pile. Ultimately, Willow ended up being the middle of a sandwich, Tara on her right and Xander on her left as they all came down from the frenzied fuck session.

“What… what kind of spell was that Willow?”

“That was a spell? Shit, I don’t know what came over me!”

Willow blushed furiously as she glanced between Tara and Xander and explained in a quiet voice.

“It… wasn’t supposed to do that; at least I don’t think it was. The spell is only supposed to bring out the positive feelings you have for those in your vicinity. It was supposed to bury any bad blood between the two of you so you could see that you’re both good people. The spell doesn’t MAKE us feeling anything; I know that… it just brings your most positive emotions to the forefront.”

Even as Willow explained it, she was processing what she was saying and realizing the truth. Tara and Xander were doing the same on either side of her. All three of them came to the same conclusion, but none of them voiced it. Instead, the three of them stared up at the ceiling, still cuddling, still taking comfort in each other’s arms. All of them were wondering what the hell they were supposed to do next.

None of them could imagine a life without the other two at this point.


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