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Reminder: Make sure to vote on this week's Prompt Poll as well as the second Novel Poll if you haven't yet! 

Patron Request

Themes: Loving, Consensual, Girl on Girl action, Strap on

Word Count: 2,908

Summary: Lisa and Taylor have a lovely date involving a dark movie theater and a movie neither of them cares about. Then, a couple months later Lisa is ready to unveil Taylor's birthday gift~ There will of course, be a part 3 =)

The Things We Do For Love!

Taylor looked side long at the girl whose hand she was currently holding as they walked down the boardwalk, the sun setting in the distance. Lisa turned to lock eyes with her, a wide happy smile spreading across the blonde’s face that Taylor shyly returned. The curly dark haired girl had never been happier than in this moment, walking hand in hand with her girlfriend as they enjoyed themselves on all the boardwalk had to offer.

Raising her other arm, Taylor took a long lick of the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cone she’d bought a few stalls back, taking a moment to truly savor the flavor. It was her mother’s favorite, back when Annette was still alive. It reminded her of her mom, and because of that she’d actually avoided it for quite a long time.

But with Lisa by her side, she could think of her mom without becoming grief stricken. She knew that Annette would want her little owl to be happy, and now that Taylor had found that happiness, it was like a heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Of course, that didn’t mean she didn’t still have her fair share of problems. She’d dropped out of school and ran away from home simply to be with Lisa. 

Once in a while, she felt guilty and thought about contacting her dad, but Taylor knew she was better off with Lisa… with the Undersiders. She didn’t want her father to try to do something that they’d both regret. She’d get in touch with him eventually, but for now this was her time. Concerning school and the bitches who resided in it however, she had no such guilt. 

Leaving behind the shit fest that was Winslow High was one of the best decisions of her life, ranked right up there with giving into her feelings and kissing Lisa on the lips finally. When the blonde reciprocated and they ultimately fell into Lisa’s bed together that night, Taylor knew she’d made the right choice. Lisa’s hand suddenly squeezed hers, and the bespectacled girl looked up to see a familiar vulpine smirk across the blonde’s face and the movie theater right in front of them.

“Lost in thought again sweetie?”

Taylor snorted at that and went with her new method of solving embarrassing moments like this. She leaned over and kissed Lisa smack on the lips. It had the delightful effect of silencing her chatter mouth girlfriend as well as leaving Lisa almost as embarrassed as Taylor was. It was bad enough that she knew the blonde was able to read all of Taylor’s thoughts just by looking at her, but she didn’t have to tease her about it as well!

With Lisa down for the count momentarily, Taylor dragged her forward up to the ticket counter, swiftly buying two tickets to the movie they’d come to see before Lisa.exe could come back online and the girl herself could start trying to haggle down the prices of their tickets with the ticket seller, just like the blonde tried to do with literally anything she ever tried to buy. The mostly finished ice cream that Taylor tossed into the trashcan before stepping inside with Lisa had only ended up costing them fifty percent of its normal cost!

But that didn’t matter. What mattered was spending this time with her girlfriend. Taylor smiled as Lisa nuzzled into her neck, cuddling into the taller lanky girl’s side as they walked into the quiet mostly empty movie theater. This time it was Lisa who took charge, leading Taylor up the stairs of the movie theater by the hand all the way to the top back row, past the few other couples in the dark room.

They’d chosen a romance flick of course, even though neither of them was especially into such things. As they settled into the very back of the movie theater, Lisa made a point of lifting the armrest between their seats up, and immediately curling into Taylor’s side after the dark curly haired girl had sat down. They stared at the screen for a brief moment, and then turned and began kissing.

There was a reason that neither girl had bothered with candy or popcorn. Neither of them was exactly looking for a cinematic experience. At least not the normal kind of cinematic experience that was good, clean fun. Oh no, both Lisa and Taylor had no desire to have any sort of fun that was clean. As their lips smacked together and their tongues warred for dominance, Lisa’s hands moved over Taylor’s body, sliding up under her shirt and running down her lanky form.

Taylor wasn’t idle though, her own hands hiking up Lisa’s sundress with a bit of help from the blonde until she’d exposed her girlfriend’s panty clad crotch and was able to slip a hand into said undergarment, running her fingers over Lisa’s cunt and finding it wet. The blonde broke away for a moment and quietly giggled.

“Someone’s eager.”

She whispered it, but Taylor had no desire to talk right now and voiced that between lip smacks on Lisa’s incredibly kissable mouth.

“Less talkie, more touchie.”

That got a genuine laugh from Lisa, but she managed to keep it quiet as they both began breathing heavier and getting far more handsy. Despite having a small chest, Taylor had extraordinarily sensitive nipples, something Lisa had discovered early and taken immense advantage of throughout their short relationship. Now was no different as she pushed Taylor’s shirt up all the way to her neck and then flipped up the bra as well, leaning down to place her lips on one of the other girl’s nipples.

Taylor let out a happy hiss of pleasure and her fingers pushed into Lisa’s wet pussy in response, drawing a muffled moan from Lisa that sent vibrations through Taylor’s breast. The dark haired girl may not have had super intuition like Lisa, but she wasn’t one to back down from a challenge, nor was Taylor willing to take a submissive backseat in their relationship. 

Curling her fingers inside of Lisa’s cunt in just the right way, she drew more muffled noises from Lisa’s lips as the blonde did her best to suckle at Taylor’s tit like a newborn baby. It was rapidly becoming clear to Lisa that she needed to up the ante herself, if she wanted to stay in the game so to speak. Her hands had been running over Taylor’s bare skin, gliding over the tall girl’s midriff, but now they went lower. 

Taylor’s belt was undone in a few flicks of Lisa’s fingers and her button and zipper went the same way, until the blonde’s digits were down Taylor’s pants in the same way Taylor had her own hand down Lisa’s panties, the two girls happily fingering one another in the dark of the movie theater. Taylor’s breath was coming out faster and more uneven as Lisa attacked her from two angles. The blond was almost radiating smugness now, Taylor could sense it. So she decided to change the game.

Neither girl was exactly physically strong, but Taylor did have height and her running to give her a slight edge up on the blonde. Lisa was so focused on pleasuring Taylor that her power couldn’t even warn her in time before the bespectacled girl suddenly grabbed her wrists and pushed her back into her comfortable theater seat, pinning Lisa in place and tearing her hands and mouth away from Taylor’s body.

The blonde’s eyes widened in surprise before narrowing into a scowl that didn’t have much heat given the blush across Lisa’s face as Taylor just grinned at her coyly and slowly slid down to her knees in front of Lisa, pushing the other girl’s legs apart and forcing the short sundress up once more to reveal Lisa’s cute black lacey panties.

Taylor didn’t even bother pulling the darling undergarments off. Instead, she pushed them aside to reveal Lisa’s crotch, and dove right in, her tongue going to work on her blonde girlfriend’s cunt with all the experience of a young woman who’d been in a lesbian relationship with another woman for several months now. Lisa’s power might have given her an edge, but Taylor had learned the old fashioned way, through practice and hard work, exactly how to make her girlfriend scream.

That was quite literal too, as Lisa had to reach up with one hand and bite down on her fist to restrain her voice, muffled whimpers making it through her knuckles as she curled her other hand in Taylor’s dark locks and used the grip on Taylor’s head to grind her juicy dripping wet cunt into the girl’s face. Taylor smiled against Lisa’s pussy lips and just continued on, knowing that this round was completely and utterly hers as she played Lisa like a fiddle, tonguing the blonde girl out until she came explosively all over Taylor’s face.

Lisa’s entire body shook and spasmed, but she managed to keep her voice contained as she slowly came down from the pleasure high. Her grip on Taylor’s hair loosened and slowly Taylor rose off her knees, settling back into her chair and pulling the satisfied puddle that had been her girlfriend into her long arms to cuddle. They watched another twenty minutes of the movie that neither even remembered the name of, before Lisa found her voice and turned her head up to look into Taylor’s eyes.

“Let’s go home now, Taylor.”

Smiling down at the blonde, Taylor nodded in agreement and after writing their clothing and making sure everything was in place, the two girls left the movie theater once again hand in hand, making their way from the boardwalk to the Undersider’s lair in the docks with little fanfare. Taylor wore Lisa’s clear barely noticeable pussy juices across her face like a badge of pride the whole way, her wide grin never once faltering as they arrived at the lair and got inside.

Lisa pulled Taylor along to her room and left the taller girl standing at the door as she went directly to her computer desk and opened up a bottom drawer. She pulled what she was looking for out of the drawer and at the same time looked at Taylor with a vulpine smirk that the dark haired girl recognized all too well. Taylor just cocked an eyebrow at the large strap on in Lisa’s hand and Lisa’s smirk quickly turned into a pout.

“Come on Tay tay!~ You were so mean to me in the movie theater! It’s my turn now, don’t you think?”

Well, when her girlfriend put it like that, could Taylor really disagree? Chuckling softly, the content young woman began to strip out of her clothing, pulling off the top and jeans that Lisa herself had helped Taylor pick out, removing her panties and bra with just as little fanfare and walking over to Lisa’s bed, trying her best to put a sway into her hips as she did so, despite her hips being nonexistent.

“Mm, don’t worry Taylor, I love your skinny hips!”

Of course, Lisa pulling her mind reading tricks. Taylor turned to the blonde who was now just as naked as her, except for the strap on strapped around her waist and rolled her eyes, though she also smiled good naturedly. Lisa stepped forward and pushed playfully on Taylor’s flat chest. Following the unspoken command, Taylor fell back onto Lisa’s bed and crawled back as the blonde followed her on her hands and knees, prowling towards Taylor like a predatory cat.

Soon, Taylor was resting back on Lisa’s pillow, looking up into the smiling loving face of her girlfriend as Lisa took hold of her strap on and pressed the tip against Taylor’s dripping cunt. Then, the blonde was inside of her and Taylor gasped as Lisa filled half her pussy with the fake dick in the first thrust. Moaning out, only to be silenced by Lisa’s lips on her own, kissing her, Taylor reached up and wrapped her arms around Lisa’s neck.

Then, for good measure she spread her legs wide and then wrapped those around the blonde’s waist as well, pulling her in further as Lisa began to slide in and out of her. Taylor groaned against Lisa’s mouth, tongue snaking out to flick against Lisa’s as the two girls made sweet tender love to each other, though at this point it was Taylor on the receiving end and Lisa on the giving. And Lisa gave just as good as she’d got in the movie theater.

Taylor was soon a puddle of pleasured flesh beneath her girlfriend, her climax hitting her hard and leaving her a shuddering mess as she panted needily. But Lisa was far from done with her after just one climax. The blonde knew exactly how far she could take Taylor and she did it then, seeming determined to show just how deep her love for the dark haired girl went as she brought Taylor to orgasm after orgasm.

By the time Lisa was done with her, Taylor was barely coherent. But the bug controller was still somewhat there when Lisa finally pulled the fake cock out of her and with an exhausted gasp, collapsed alongside Taylor on the bed. Cuddling into Taylor’s side, Lisa mm’d happily, her eyes shut and a smile across her face as she nuzzled Taylor.

“Ah, Lisa… that was…”

Taylor’s praise was interrupted by a sudden buzzing sound. It was Lisa’s phone, a number that only a few people had access too. So Taylor wasn’t too angry when the other girl turned and pulled it from the nightstand, activating her smartphone’s screen and reading the message that was waiting for her there. After a moment, Lisa chuckled softly and Taylor was intrigued.

“What is it?”

Putting the phone away, Lisa just cuddled back into Taylor.

“Nothing important lover. Just a funny joke from Alec. Mm, weren’t you about to praise me?”

Taylor just chuckled and turned to pull Lisa against her chest, kissing the top of the blonde’s head.

“I don’t know if you really need any bigger of a head than you already have Lisa.”


Two months later, Lisa was leading Taylor down into a basement of a safe house that she’d never been too. Taylor wouldn’t lie, she was growing a little concerned, as her bugs sensed three tied up women in the room below, and Lisa had had Taylor dress in her Skitter costume. But Taylor trusted her girlfriend, the love of her life. 

She stepped down the basement stairs and the basement proper finally came into true view. With her own eyes, Taylor took in the sight of Sophia, Emma, and Madison all on their knees with their heads bowed, collars around each of their necks and not another stitch of clothing on any of their bodies. Their eyes flicked up as the two super villains approached them, and Emma paled at the sight of Taylor’s Skitter costume.

Lisa, dressed as Tattletale, stepped forward.

“Happy birthday Skitter. Do you like them?”

Taylor saw the way Emma’s eyes flicked to Lisa’s masked face at those words and then how they widened and darted to Taylor’s. A slow smile spread across her own features beneath her full face mask as she realized Emma was connecting the dots. She stayed silent, letting the red headed girl come to her own conclusions. Eventually, Emma spoke with a soft raspy voice, weak from disuse.


Slowly, Taylor reached up and grabbed at the edge of her insect mask, pulling it back and off her head to reveal her face. She smiled widely, and bit her lower lip to contain her amusement at the sheer disbelief on all three of her former tormentor’s faces.

“Hello Emma.”

“Taylor! Please, you have to help us, I-I…”

At Emma’s outburst, Taylor had begun walking forward. The teenage model had trailed off and looked up into her eyes fearfully as Taylor’s shadow fell completely over her shaking naked form. Reaching down, Taylor’s clawed gauntlet curled around Emma’s chin, twisting it this way and that as Taylor examined her.

“My girlfriend doesn’t do any work halfway Emma. Which I believe means you should be addressing me as Mistress, or you shouldn’t be opening that mouth of yours at all. Isn’t that right?”

It was immensely satisfying to watch the last ember of hope die in Emma’s eyes as she looked down.

“Y-yes Mistress…”

Taylor nodded in satisfaction and released Emma’s face. Then she looked to the side where Sophia was staring at her with unbridled hostility. A vicious savage grin spread across Taylor’s face and she suddenly lunged forward, baring her teeth at the dark skinned young woman while at the same time causing every bug in the basement to chitter at the same exact moment. It made for a suitably terrifying little demonstration and the hostility bled from Sophia’s features as her eyes went wide and she reared back like she’d never seen Taylor before.

Satisfied twice in such a short time, Taylor turned from the kneeling trio and looked to a smiling Lisa who had removed her own mask by this point. She’d asked her a question after all, and Taylor was finally ready to give her an answer.

“I love them Lisa. Shall we break them in now?”

“I thought you’d never ask lover! Let’s get started!”


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