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Themes: Loving Sex, Virgin Sex, Breeding

Summary: Desperate after her father's execution, Sansa Stark accidentally summons a demon from another world. Issei Hyoudou is surprised to be summoned to a medieval castle of all things, but while he would love to help a cutie like Sansa for free, he's forced to make a contract with her. Before he can think of something reasonable for her to pay, Sansa offers him her virginity for her freedom. From there, things have a natural conclusion... but not one that either of them mind.


“Issei… I’m ready to live up to my side of our arrangement.”

His enhanced hearing really should have let him notice the sound of something soft hitting the floor, but he’s so focused on gazing out the small window of the tower they’ve holed up in that he doesn’t even bother looking over.

“Huh? Oh, no, that’s okay Sansa. It can wait until I’ve definitely freed you for sure!”

“… There’s no one following us anymore, Issei. We’ve managed to escape. Which means… which means I’m already free. So… I insist.”

Finally tearing his gaze away from the tower window, Issei opens his mouth to argue, only to stop in his tracks. The words catch in his throat as he finds himself staring at the nubile, naked form of Sansa Stark, the young woman stood there in the center of the room, her body laid bare before him.

Comparing her to the other major red head in his life, his Buchou, one might say that Sansa simply didn’t measure up. But that wasn’t a fair comparison by several metrics. While Sansa WAS older than Rias, she was still only human. Rias Gremory on the other hand was a Pureblood Devil, and that not only gave her this unearthly sort of beauty, it also apparently led to her having truly ginormous oppai.

By comparison, Sansa Stark’s bust wasn’t nearly as large as Rias’. But it was still a pair of oppai mere feet away from him, each breast capped off with a pink nipple already hardening in the open air.

As Sansa stands there in the nude, fidgeting under his gaze, Issei, not for the first time, wonders how things got to this point.

It started, he supposed, with him being summoned to another world. And not just another realm like the Underworld or something, but rather, a whole new planet. A planet that didn’t have advanced technology or much in the way of the supernatural apparently, because Issei had basically been out of contact with everyone since he arrived.

He hadn’t been too worried though, to be fair. He figured Buchou would eventually find a way to bring him back home. He was still holding Rias’ Evil Pieces inside of himself after all, and still a Reincarnated Devil in her Peerage. So… he’d figured it was only a matter of time before she’d figure out how to reverse summon him or something.

Which was why he hadn’t exactly wasted time when he’d found out the circumstances of his summoner, Sansa Stark. While the young woman had initially been frightened by him, calling him a demon and not being particularly enthused when he’d corrected her and informed her he was actually a devil… well, beggars couldn’t be choosers.

It had said a lot about how tragic of a tale Sansa’s life had turned into that even though he was a devil, the very thing her childhood nanny ‘Septa Mordane had most warned her again, was her only hope of salvation. Put simply, Sansa’s father had been executed by the King, and her brother and his armies had gone to war in response.

But Sansa herself was still trapped in the Evil King’s castle, and though she was technically supposed to marry him, she neither expected nor wanted to anymore. She was just waiting for them to decide what to do with her in the end, and she was dreadfully frightened about what that might turn out to be.

All of this had led to his accidental summoning, somehow. Even Sansa couldn’t explain it, though based on the feeling Issei had that she was his summoner, it was definitely her who had brought him to this world. Maybe she had some sort of hidden power lurking within her!

Regardless, while Issei would have loved to just help Sansa out for free, he’d found himself basically forced to make a contract with her. Unfortunately, he didn’t have a working phone to tell him what to suggest she pay for her freedom. Before he could figure out what might be reasonable for her to pay, Sansa herself had been the one to offer him her virginity in exchange for helping her escape King’s Landing, and the connection between them had accepted that deal before Issei himself could shut it down.

What had followed had only been harrowing because Issei was escorting a squishy human noble lady, truth be told. The handful of men they’d run into while making their great escape hadn’t been a match for Issei and Ddraig, and ultimately they’d managed to get to the docks and steal a rowboat without much issue.

Then, using his enhanced strength, Issei had basically just rowed them away from the city faster than any of the ships in the harbor could even hope to follow. Since Sansa was from the North, he’d rowed them North, always making sure to keep the coastline in view. Until finally they’d come upon this abandoned tower and decided to make camp for the night.

After bringing the rowboat ashore and putting it in the bottom floor of the tower while Sansa had scrounged around and found some food that hadn’t gone bad yet, the two of them had had a quiet dinner before eventually making their way up here, to a sparsely furnished but quite livable bedroom.

Issei felt a little bad, because clearly whoever actually lived here hadn’t actually abandoned the tower but perhaps gone for a trip to market or something. But for the night at least, it would be a safe haven for them until Issei could help Sansa put more distance between herself and King’s Landing… and maybe even get her back to her brother in the North.

He'd been trying to figure out how to get her out of her end of the deal in the meantime, not actually wanting to make her do anything she didn’t want to… but now here they were, with Sansa having discarded her dress and undergarments to reveal her pale, naked body to him.

Looking into her bright blue eyes, Issei is again reminded of Rias for a moment before hesitantly stepping away from the window. He’s not… sighing, Issei frowns.

“Sansa… I’m not a good man. If you present yourself like this to me, I don’t know if I can hold myself back…”

Sansa scoffs at that though, seemingly unconcerned.

“You are a demon, Issei. Or as you say, a devil. I have never expected for you to be a good man. Nor do I want you to hold back.”

She blushes and looks away a moment later, her bout of confidence short-lived.

“I w-will not renege on my deal… especially not to one such as you. A-After all… you’ve given me everything I asked of you. So now… it’s my turn.”

She takes a hesitant step forward, as if intending to initiate things on her own end if need be. Though it’s obvious from how she’s acting and the strange world he’s found himself in that that’s not a common way for things to go. In the end… Issei sighs and stops her with a raised hand.

“… Go and get on the bed.”

If they were doing this, then he needed to be the one to do it. Funny, if Buchou or the others were here, they’d probably be wondering what had happened to him. After all, he should have been salivating over Sansa’s oppai, or fainting from a nosebleed over how beautiful she was and the offered virginity on the table.

After all… he himself was also a virgin, even if she didn’t know that part. Yes, he, the big bad devil she’d summoned who had saved her from the evil king, was a virgin.

Why wasn’t Issei acting more nervous or perverted? Simple really… the weight of Sansa’s story and circumstances on his shoulders. Knowing everything she’d been through, knowing the dark turns the poor young woman’s life had taken… it left Issei somewhat more solemn and serious then he otherwise would have been.

As a naked Sansa gets on the bed and looks at him, waiting impatiently for him to come to her, Issei lets out a shuddering breath and approaches, taking off his own clothes as he does so. By the time he reaches the foot of the bed, he’s naked as well, with Sansa blushing at the sight of his erect cock.

“S-So big…”

He’s actually not that big. Perfectly average at least in his world. But for a woman who’s perhaps never seen a man’s dick before, he could see Sansa’s point of view. Climbing up onto the bed, Issei moves into place between Sansa’s legs, watching as she spreads them for him with only a bit of hesitation.

There’s no real need for foreplay on his end. Just the sight of Sansa in the nude was enough for him to pop a serious boner. But Sansa herself… Issei figured he could at least make her first time as memorable as possible. What was the point of being a modern day pervert if he didn’t use a few of the things he’d learned to completely blow the nonexistent socks off of this lovely medieval noblewoman, right?

That’s why Issei doesn’t just stick it in and ‘claim his prize’ or anything like that. Instead, he lowers his hands to Sansa’s body, gently caressing her naked flesh. She shivers beneath him, her eyes widening as he begins to touch her.

“What… w-what are you doing?”

Smiling at her, Issei lowers his mouth down to one of her breasts.

“Making you feel just as good as you’re about to make me feel.”

Her face goes almost as red as her hair at that, even as Issei begins to carefully worship her nipples with his tongue, one after the other. Admittedly, he’s never done this before. So it’s a lot of learning. But Sansa doesn’t need to know that. And more than that, Issei had a lot of… secondhand experience so to speak.

This might be the first time he actually got to properly fondle, molest, and play with a woman’s breasts, but it wasn’t his first time seeing them, both in person and not. One might say Issei had been training his whole life for this.

Of course, he was well aware of two different but related pitfalls that he refused to fall into. Number One, he knew full well that all of the hentai he’d consumed over the course of his life wasn’t what one would call… realistic necessarily. And Number Two, he knew that his enhanced strength, if he wasn’t careful, could cause serious harm to Sansa’s fragile human body.

That’s why he takes things slow. That’s why he’s very careful, even as Sansa moans under him, shuddering and quivering from the attention he’s affording her body. He works on her breasts as her nipples get harder and harder, and eventually he reaches down between her legs to gently and softly play with her pussy lips.

She’s quite wet for him by the time he does so, her sex already dripping with arousal. That fills Issei with a certain amount of pride and happiness, to know that he’s able to do that for a woman, even one inexperienced like Sansa.

Until finally…

“I-Issei p-please…”

Looking up into her blue eyes, he sees Sansa blushing so hard her entire face is red. More than that, she actually has tears in the corner of her eyes. For a moment he thinks he’s hurt her somehow, but then…

“Please… you’re t-torturing me. Please… take me a-already.”

Aha. In pursuit of his goal, he’d lost sight of the prize, hadn’t he? Sansa whines as he drags his fingers out of her sex, and she moans when he finally disengages from her rock hard nipples. Pulling back, Issei grins sheepishly, even as he brings the head of his cock to her pussy lips.

“Heh, sorry. Guess I got a little carried away.”

Sansa just shudders, her eyes growing hooded now as she waits for him to enter her.

“I understand now why Septa Mordane warned me of your kind. You are a truly dark and terrible creature… my savior. Now please… take your due from me.”

Issei nods, growing more serious as he slowly but surely begins to shift forward. He doesn’t want to go too fast and-


Sansa’s sudden cry causes Issei to yelp and thrust forward faster than he intended. He goes right through her virginity a moment later, even as his throbbing cock pushes into her depths quite far. In that moment, it takes every single ounce of his self-control not to cum right then and there.

Both of them stay still for a long moment, panting heavily. For Sansa, she’s getting used to the intrusion obviously. For Issei, he’s… well, he’s no longer a virgin either. He’s having sex with a woman now.

Still, he should probably pull out shouldn’t he? The deal was just for her virginity, so the gentlemanly thing to do would be-

“You can start moving now~”

Suddenly, Sansa’s legs are instinctively wrapped around her waist as she looks up at him, her hair splayed back and her breasts reddened and puffy from his earlier attentions. Issei blinks… but then slowly starts fucking Sansa Stark. He’s careful and gentle even now, even when she eggs him on and urges him to take her with more speed.

Issei is very aware of his devil strength and speed, so even though he does go a little faster, he still keeps it all dialed down a whole lot. Not that Sansa seems to notice or care. Moaning up a storm beneath him, the beautiful young noblewoman reaches climax upon Issei’s cock in short order, crying out as she bucks her hips for him.

From there… Issei loses himself in Sansa. He loses himself in her body, in the pleasure of losing his virginity, in all of it. He finds himself kissing her at some point, and before he can second guess that decision, she’s quickly kissing him back, both of them moaning into one another’s mouths as they happily makeout with each other.

Finally, Issei tips over the edge. He doesn’t even think about the ramifications, truth be told. Sansa is just so wet, so hot, so tight around his cock… that he unloads inside of her. In response, she moans into his mouth even louder and cums one final time as well. And then they just keep making out, holding one another in a lover’s embrace there in the bed they’ve found.

Tomorrow they’ll have to keep moving of course, lest any pursuers catch up to them or the owner of this tower comes home. But for tonight, it’s just the devil and the noblewoman, alone in a tower, sharing body heat and one another’s company… and certainly not unhappy about any of it.



We should do more of this.

Colin Peden

A very good story, I agree it is sad that it is just a one off. Whoever asked for this, if you have more chapters you'd like, please submit them. I will definitely vote for more of this story.