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Themes: Threesome, Breeding, Fucked Silly

Summary: In a world where humans reign supreme but elves still outlive them, Celina and Galia are Elven Mages at risk of losing their jobs after their previous patron passed away, so they need to find a way to get back in good graces with the court. Luckily, their patron had a son who while not magically inclined they think they could seduce. It works out a bit too well. Expecting the young man to be inexperienced and pliable, both elves find themselves happily fucked into oblivion. They may not have become his mages, but concubines get paid better and have better benefits too~


Relationships were a funny thing, weren’t they? Especially relationships between immortal and mortal beings. Sitting behind his father’s desk in his father’s study, Lucas Ravenhold finds himself humming consideringly as he looks across at the two elven women sitting primly on the edge of their seats.

Celina and Galia. Red-haired and blonde respectively, with beautiful features and beautiful bodies, they had both been alive longer than his entire family had existed as a noble house. They were elven mages who had both lived for several centuries at this point. And yet, despite their long lives… everyone knew elves were hopeless at leading or ruling.

They were flighty creatures at the best of time, prone to daydreaming for years if not decades if they weren’t kept on task. That was why humans ruled the world in spite of their shorter lifespans, because the elves quite literally not only couldn’t be bothered, they also didn’t have the attention spans to do so. Every elven society had been an utter failure until the humans came along and took over.

Two hundred years ago, when House Ravenhold had been raised up to nobility for distinguishing itself in battle, Celina and Galia had been assigned to serve it in whatever capacity it’s Lord desired. For the past two hundred years, the Lord of House Ravenhold had been a mage, so they had served him as his subordinate mages, assisting him with magic and representing him in the Mage Court.

Unfortunately for the pair of elves, Lucas was no mage and his father was now dead. This was now his desk, his study, and his mansion that the three of them were sitting in… and Celina and Galia were his servants, even though he had no magical abilities and thus no reason to partake in the Mage Court.

Ah, but that wouldn’t stop the two from trying to convince him anyways, now would it? Tilting his head to the side, Lucas raises an eyebrow at the two elven women.

“Well? What am I going to do with you?”

Without missing a beat, Celina leans forward. The red head has always been the more outgoing of the two elves, with Galia usually following Celina’s lead. In this case, Celina presses her tits together, lifting them up as she gives him a flirtatious smile.

“There’s no reason for anything to change, Lord Ravenhold. House Ravenhold has maintained good standing with the Mage Court for two centuries. Continue sending us to the court in your name.”

Galia nods enthusiastically, clasping her hands together and lifting up her own bust as well.

“Oh yes sir! You can still benefit greatly from us being at the Mage Court! We promise you won’t regret it!”

So this was how they were going to handle things, huh? Lucas almost cracks a grin but manages to hold it back. In truth, there was nothing someone like him could get from the Mage Court. In fact, because he wasn’t a mage, sending Celina and Galia to the Mage Court would cost him money. But they didn’t want to lose their cushy positions or their jobs, so they were trying to manipulate him… by seducing him.

It was obvious that even now they were looking down on him. They always had, throughout his entire life. After all, he wasn’t magical and to Celina and Galia, this made him next to useless. He was even aware that the two of them had tried to have his father set him aside as heir a few times, though that had never gotten anywhere.

Now they were putting on a good act, but they truly thought that he was just some inexperienced, pliable boy they could tease into submission. That wasn’t how this was going to work though.

“Stand up, both of you.”

Celina and Galia both blink at his domineering tone, rising to their feet and biting their lower lips as they exchange quick glances.

“If you’re going to act so slutty, then I’ll treat you like the sluts you are. Show me your tits.”

Their eyes widen in shock, but only for a moment before matching coy grins spread across their faces. This was what they wanted, after all. For him to ‘fall’ for their seduction ploy.

“Of course, sir!”

“As you wish, sir~”

The red head and blonde both unbutton their blouses, pulling them open and flipping up their bras to let their massive breasts bounce free. The elven mages stand there unashamed of their nudity. This is partially because they believe their plan is working, but also because at the end of the day, it’s perfectly natural for elves to submit to humans.

Of course, Celina and Galia have not submitted sexually to a Lord Ravenhold in two generations, but that’s a flash in the pan for them… it’s quite easy to fall back into old habits, especially since they think they’re getting what they want.

Standing from his chair, Lucas circles his desk and comes to a stop in front of the two women. Celina grins gleefully, the red head leaning forward.

“Do you like what you see, my Lord? Feel free to touch them.”

Galia gasps and does the same.

“Me too, Lord Lucas! Me too!”

Both are your typically ditzy, lustful elves at the end of the day. But Galia is definitely the ditzier of the two. Still, Lucas doesn’t play favorites. He reaches up with both hands and grabs one of their breasts apiece, casually fondling them as the pair of elven mages moan happily in response.

“Do you like this, girls? Do you like it when your Lord touches you?”

They nod enthusiastically, mewling. Celina in particular giggles.

“It’s our duty to submit to our human lord, Lord Lucas. Your father and grandfather might not have partaken of our flesh, but if you want to, you definitely can.”

Galia pipes up next.

“And in return, you let us continue going to Mage Court!”

Celina shoots her blonde friend a look, clearly unhappy that Galia is being too blunt about things. It’s almost enough to make Lucas burst out in laughter. The truth is, they’re both being too blunt about things. But he’s all too happy to take advantage of their beautiful bodies all the same. He’s not like his father, who prized intelligence over physical beauty. Sure, he’s not about to marry Celina or Galia… but they’re still hot pieces of ass that he’ll happily use to his heart’s content.

“Bend over the desk, both of you. Pull down your pants.”

The pair of horny, aroused elven mages quickly do as they’re told, stepping past him to bend over his desk and pull their skintight pants off of their full, fat asses and thicc thighs. Turning to watch them do so, Lucas’ eyes dart between their glistening wet pussies, a smile alighting upon his lips as they both eagerly wave their asses in his direction.

“Do you like what you see, Lord Lucas?”

“Oooh, please Lord Lucas, don’t make us wait… we need you~”

Humming, Lucas steps up behind them and brings a hand to either of their cunts. He slides his fingers into Celina and Galia from behind and watches as they moan and both enthusiastically begin humping his fingers like they’re possessed. The wet squelching sounds fill the study, even as droplets of pussy juices hit the floor.

“Needy things, aren’t you.”

Looking back at him with hooded eyes, Celina moans and nods.

“Only for you, Lord Lucas. You and your big… fat… cock.”

Galia whines, Celina’s teasing having more of an effect on the blonde than on its true target. The blonde elven mage begins to hump his digits even harder.

“I-I need it Lord Lucas! I need it, I need it, I need it!”

Well, that makes things easier, doesn’t it? Chuckling, Lucas finally frees his throbbing erection from its confines. He steps up behind Galia and grabs the blonde by her hips before thrusting into her. Celina is left watching from the sidelines, a pout on her face as Galia’s eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth.


As she slurs her words, she also begs him for more… and Lucas is all too happy to oblige. He fucks the blonde elf hard and fast, slamming into her full ass with his crotch again and again as he sheathes himself inside of her over and over.

Celina bites her lower lip as she watches her friend get fucked silly. She touches herself to the sight, rolling a nipple between her fingers and letting her digits fuck her own cunt now that Lucas is focused entirely on Galia.

Finally, after Galia’s fifth squealing orgasm, Lucas grunts and unloads inside of her. He fills Galia up with his seed, making the blonde moan out before slumping down onto the desk. When he pulls out of her and lets go of her hips, she slides right off the desk and onto the floor, kneeling there as his cum slowly seeps out of her freshly fucked twat.

Lucas then turns to Celina, who looks excited as he grabs her by her hips and spins her around, lifting her up onto the edge of his desk. Her arms and legs are quick to wrap around his body as the red head mewls happily. Then, he thrusts inside of her, making her moan like a wanton slut as she tosses her head back in ecstasy.

Still, she’s quick to recover and look him in the eye.

“I hope we’ve… nnngh, come to an a-agreement, Lord Ravenhold. A-About… me and… Galia… going back to the Mage Court…”

Lucas hums for a moment before shaking his head.

“No. I won’t have you two waste your time at the Mage Court. It would be a waste of gold for me to send you there.”

Celina’s eyes widen in shock at his easy refusal. Obviously, as their Lord, he decides how they serve him and his house. But she still pouts mightily.

“But then… what will you do with us, sir?”

Lucas smirks.

“I’ve decided the two of you will be my concubines. You will carry my heirs.”

Celina opens her mouth to respond, only for Galia to pipe up from down below where she’s still on her knees.

“Sounds good to me! I like getting fucked by Lord Lucas!”

Looking down at her somewhat dumb blonde friend, it’s obvious that the red head is resisting the urge to facepalm. Just like that, she’s lost her co-conspirator. Smirking, Lucas catches Celina’s eye, even as he slowly thrusts in and out of her.

“How about we make a bet, Celina. I’ll fuck you to completion. If you don’t cum even once, then I’ll send you to the Mage Court in my house’s name.”

The red headed elven mage surprises him then. Instead of immediately agreeing to the deal, she blushes and pouts at Lucas.

“T-That’s not fair… your cock feels too good, Lord Lucas… I’m sure I’m going to cum before you do…”

Huh. He would have expected her to think she could easily beat him, but it seems she’s no longer looking down on him like she once did. For a second he wonders if she’s still trying to manipulate him, but looking at her, Lucas can tell she’s being honest. If nothing else, her body is being honest as it quivers and trembles on the edge of his desk, her pussy walls flexing around his cock.

“Alright then… you can cum twice, but if you cum three times, you become my concubine. How does that sound?”

Biting her lower lip, Celina finally nods. After all, they both know Lucas doesn’t have to offer her any sort of deal at all. She’ll do whatever he wants because he’s her Lord.


From there, Lucas doesn’t hesitate anymore. Nor does he show any mercy. Galia was a cute but ditzy blonde who was easy to get off with his cock. Celina is smarter, and far wilier. However, she’s also still an elf. Turning on the gas, he begins to fuck her silly while also bringing his hands to her breasts and his mouth to her neck.

Celina squeaks and then moans in wanton surprise as she quickly reaches her first orgasm from his actions. Lucas really isn’t giving her any sort of time to recover either, as he grabs her by her red locks and kisses her deeply, wrestling her tongue into submission. She groans into his mouth, trying her best to not let the pleasure overwhelm her… and failing.

Her second orgasm cums after several more minutes of him fucking her on his desk while Galia watches on with a big wide grin on her face. And her third comes some time after that, as Celina finds herself unable to hold back from cumming all over her Lord’s cock. Of course, Lucas doesn’t stop just because he’s won. He has a point to prove, in the end.

He fucks Celina through more orgasms than even Galia experienced, until the red head is a delirious mess of pleasure murmuring about how she’ll be his concubine, about how she’s happy to be his concubine, but he needs to cum inside of her. She’s begging for it by the time he finally does as she asks and fills her with his seed.

Lucas grunts as he paints Celina’s womb white, pumping the red haired elven mage nice and full of his jizz. Celina moans happily in response, before loosening her grip on his body. As the Lord of House Ravenhold steps back, she slides off of the desk just like Galia did, the two elves on their knees before him and greedily grabbing hold of his cock to share between them.

Letting out a laugh at them both, he brings a hand down to rest in their red and blonde hair respectively, watching as they go to town on his cock with their mouths and tongues.

“Well now… seems the two of you are happy to be my concubines after all.”

Galia hums and bobs her head happily.

“Yes, Lord Lucas!”

Celina, meanwhile, gives him a coy, wicked smile.

“If you can keep fucking us that good Lord Lucas, I don’t see why we would complain~”

Indeed, it makes sense. For immortal beings like them, spending the next fifty to a hundred years as his concubines isn’t something they would really mind. Meanwhile, he has two beautiful elven sluts to fuck and breed children off of for the rest of his life. He’d been an only child, and he’d always wanted a brother or sister but it had never happened. His kids though, would have tons of siblings… that was for sure.

In the end, it was a win-win sort of situation. Celina and Galia might not be able to go to the Mage Court anymore, but they would be happily fucked and bred on Lucas’ cock for the next several decades. And that wasn’t a half bad trade at all.


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