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Themes: Threesome, Titplay, Rough Sex

Summary: Part 11 of Preemptive Action. Midnight is given an anonymous note saying that two students are performing unheroic actions on school grounds. Following the directions she finds Izuku and Momo going at it. Instead of getting in trouble like the two thought, Midnight does three things. The first is congratulate them on their relationship; the second is thank them for helping her win the betting pool; and the third is join in.


Even though the R-Rated Hero Midnight taught something like Modern Hero Art History, there was really only two ways that the students and even her fellow faculty of UA viewed her. Either with lust or fear.

The lust was because of how she dressed and how she acted in most situations, with a beautiful body barely covered by a thin, skin-tight white bodysuit and a breastless, black-leather leotard.

The fear came from the common misconception that she was a sadist, mostly because of how she acted in far fewer situations when the fear of certain misanthropes, rule breakers, and criminals caused her to get all excited.

The thing was, Midnight wasn’t a sadist. Yes, she got excited putting criminals in their place, but in truth, she got excited in a lot of situations. What Midnight was… was a bit of a nymphomaniac. She was simply a self-controlled nymphomaniac, one who kept her impulses and desires contained most of the time, only letting her insane lust and constant arousal leak through when she wasn’t able to concentrate on controlling herself, such as when she was in battle or when she was disciplining naughty students.

This, in turn, had led to her having something of a reputation at UA for punishing rulebreakers. She rather commonly received anonymous notes about unheroic actions going on at the school, since she was commonly understood to always take matters into her own hands and deal with them. Of course, once or twice this had led to certain male students trying to abuse this reputation by provoking her into ‘stepping all over them’ for their own perverted lusts, but Midnight had long since come to be able to tell these instances apart from others and act accordingly.

Regardless, she found herself strolling down a hallway in UA hours after the end of the school day because she’d received another one of those anonymous notes detailing the ‘unheroic’ actions taking place in one of the school’s empty classrooms. Curious what she was going to find, Midnight approaches at a clipped yet silent pace, not wanting to alert her prey to the fact that she was coming.

Reaching the door in question, the Modern Hero Art History Teacher carefully takes hold of the handle and, finding the door unlocked, she begins to ease it open so she can peek through the resulting crack. Even before she lays eyes on what’s happening inside though, she hears it from the moment she starts to open the door.


“O-Oh god! Yes! H-Harder, Izuku!”

“Fuck… Momo!”

Midnight’s eyes widen when she actually sees what’s happening in the classroom… and then, with a broad grin, she throws open the door and steps inside. As Izuku Midoriya and Momo Yaoyorozu freeze in place where they’d been fucking on the teacher’s desk, Midnight giggles. Closing and properly locking the door behind her, she licks her lips as she tilts her head to the side consideringly.

“Well now. What have I found here? Two students, fornicating on a teacher’s desk? Naughty-naughty~”

Flushing at being caught by her, the two young people hastily pull apart, which gives Midnight a nice, unobstructed view of Midoriya’s big fat cock as he immediately begins defending Momo instead of trying to cover himself up.

“It was my idea, ma’am. I pressured Momo into this. She didn’t even want to-!”

“Shut up, Izuku! It was MY idea! Izuku is just trying to take the fall for me!”

“What, no-!”

Midnight giggles again, causing the two young people to stop in their tracks. She looks between them, admiring them both for a moment. Not just their bodies, though there’s a lot to admire there, but also their personalities. Here was a couple who truly loved one another, so ready to throw themselves under the bus for each other that they weren’t even able to get on the same page.

It left her wondering who had sent in that anonymous note, truth be honest. But no matter. Shaking her head, Midnight grins as wide as she can grin.

“You’re not in trouble.”

That gets the two to blink in stupefaction, even as Midnight saunters forward, hands on her hips and grin still affixed to her face.

“In fact, congratulations are in order.”

Looking poleaxed, Izuku blinks.

“Con… congratulations?”

Nodding, Midnight glances down at his cock, which is still rock hard even now and licks her lips.

“On your relationship. I always thought the two of you would make a cute couple. That’s why I put all my money on you both getting together in the betting pool.”

Momo, predictably, is the first one to respond to that revelation.

“There’s a betting pool?!”

Midnight giggles again, eyes dancing with merriment… up until Izuku suddenly coughs and rubs a sheepish hand through the back of his hair.

“Um… you should probably know that it’s not just me and Momo, ma’am. I’m also dating… and casually fucking several other girls as well.”

Blinking, the R-Rated Hero looks at Izuku in a new light… before letting out a laugh of disbelief.

“Midoriya, you dog!”

Izuku just looks more sheepish at that, though he still grins a little bit. Momo, meanwhile, sighs.

“We were together first though. All of the others came after we finally got together…”

Oh? Midnight beams at the younger woman for explaining.

“Then I still won the pool! Hehe, and that means you aren’t opposed to sharing, are you Yaoyorozu?”

“Um… no ma’am?”

Neither of them really seems to understand why she’s asking that question… until Midnight reaches up, grabs the top of her skintight, thin bodysuit… and pulls.


It takes only a second thanks to her experience, before the bodysuit she always wears under her breastless leather leotard is ripped away entirely, leaving her naked except for said leotard. Her tits on full display, Midnight’s eyes twinkle as she hefts them up with both hands, giving them a nice hefty jiggle.

“Then you won’t mind me joining in~”

“N-No ma’am!”

Momo and Izuku both look even more poleaxed if possible, but that doesn’t stop Momo from giving her blessing… nor Midnight from immediately taking advantage of it. Dropping to her knees in front of Izuku Midoriya, the R-Rated Hero wastes no time in wrapped her now naked tits around his cock. At the same time, she’s moaning already as she rubs her thighs together, her pussy starting to really get wet as it grinds against the leather crotch of her leotard.

Izuku’s cock, which was already rock hard from before as well as coated in Momo’s pussy juices, slides between Midnight’s tits like it was made to be there. The slick member quickly transfers some of its slickness over to Midnight’s breasts even as she rubs her soft, full mammaries all over his shaft, moaning all the while.

Momo watches this for a moment from the sidelines, and Midnight is just considering pulling the younger woman into the fun in some way when Izuku does it for her. Reaching over, the loyal young man grabs his girlfriend by the waist and pulls her into his side, his hand drifting down to palm and squeeze her ass while at the same time he kisses her full on the lips.

Midnight might have been more annoyed at having his attention split… if it wasn’t just so damn cute! Momo moans up a storm into Izuku’s mouth, all but humping his leg as she rubs her own naked breasts against him like there’s no tomorrow. Their tongues swirl and wrestle with one another and even as they swap spit, it’s obvious how much they care for each other. Ah, young love… Midnight can’t get enough.

Licking her lips, she lowers her mouth and pops the head of Izuku’s throbbing, sizable mast right inside. Continuing to slide her tits up and down the majority of his vast shaft, she swirls her tongue around his bulbous tip all the while. Suckling to her heart’s content, she can feel his cock pulsing against her rapidly beating heart. As such, she knows even before he tells her when he’s finally getting close.

“Shit… Midnight, I’m going to cum!”

It doesn’t take too long for him to begin to tip over the edge, but to be fair, she’d been the one to interrupt them mid-coitus… and she WAS the R-Rated Hero Midnight to boot. With a gleeful giggle, Midnight pops her lips off of Izuku’s cockhead but redoubles her efforts to get him off with her tits, jacking him with her massive mammaries until he finally cums all over her chest and face.

The Modern Hero Art History Teacher moans up a storm as she takes the entire load on her body. Izuku has a lot of loving to give it would seem, because by the time he’s finished emptying his balls on her, she’s positively coated in his seed from head to tit. Moaning up a storm, Midnight rubs some of his cum into her breasts before scooping more of it up and putting it in her mouth.

She makes a show of it, licking her fingers clean one by one in a positively salacious attitude. By the time she’s done, Izuku and Momo are both staring at her wide-eyed and red-faced, and Izuku’s cock is nice and big again… or perhaps it never even went soft, Midnight hadn’t exactly waited to see what would happen. Licking her lips, she rises to her feet… and grabs Momo by her hips.

The younger woman squeaks as she’s suddenly lifted back up onto the edge of the teacher’s desk where she was before. Midnight spreads Momo’s legs wide, before bending over and breathing in the aroma of her slippery, sopping wet cunt. Momo mewls at having Midnight’s breath ghosting across her sensitive slit.

At the same time, Midnight lifts up her hips, relying on her high heeled boots to give her ass some extra oomph as she waves it in Izuku’s direction. And finally, she also reaches down and undoes the hidden clasp on the crotch of her leotard, letting it fall open to reveal her own drooling cunt to the horny young man currently stood behind her.

That’s all he needs to see. Even as Midnight is still enjoying Momo’s mewling while she breathes all over the younger woman’s sex, she feels a pair of confident, certain hands grab her by the hips. The R-Rated Hero barely has time to grin in satisfaction before Izuku thrusts into her from behind, his cock slamming home into her welcoming cunt like he was the sword and she was the stone.

Midnight’s eyes grow lidded as she anchors herself using Momo’s thighs. Her body shudders, her nipples hardening even more than they already are. But then Izuku begins to really fuck her, just as Midnight had hoped, and she finds her face buried in Momo’s nubile cunt from that point on, unable to get out as Izuku rammed her forward into it without a care in the world.

Not that she was complaining. In fact, Midnight is all too happy to begin using her tongue on the other woman, driving deep into Momo’s sex and making her mewls turn into wanton moans that in turn become loud and lewd cries. Momo’s hands fall upon Midnight’s hair after a little while, clutching at it desperately and without reservation, pulling hard enough that she’s in danger of tearing some of it out.

Midnight doesn’t mind though. She actually finds it kind of cute. Both of them are just so… cute. Cute and extremely enthusiastic, with a whole lot of delicious stamina and young person energy to boot. She wants to just eat them both up… but she can already tell they’d run her ragged if she tried to monopolize the young couple for her own desires.

Yes, she’s a nymphomaniac… and yes, she’s greatly enjoying tongue-fucking Momo while being fucked behind by Izuku. But as much as the mind might be willing, the body will eventually turn spongy and weak. Not yet though. Not yet… and so, Midnight lets herself get truly lost in the pleasure. For once, she’s not completely in control. For once, she’s not having to take charge and lead whichever lover she’s picked up for a night of unbridled passion by the dick or tits.

Instead, once they’ve gotten over just who she is, both Izuku and Momo actually seem happy to take over for her and give her the tag-teaming she so desperately needs. Izuku’s big fat cock barrels in and out of her clenching, cumming cunt at high speeds, all while Momo grinds her pussy up into Midnight’s lips and tongue, humping away at her face like a woman possessed.

All Midnight has to do is alternate between pushing her hips back to meet Izuku’s thrusts, and sticking her tongue as deep into Momo’s gushing cunt as she possibly can. Truthfully, the older woman loses track of how many times the younger couple makes her cum, as well as how many times she makes Momo cum with her mouth.

What Midnight does know is that when all is said and done, she’s never been more satisfied. For a brief moment, the constant static in the back of her mind that comes with her nymphomania and is like a little voice always begging to be fucked… is quieted.

Not for too long of course, but when Izuku finally tips over the edge and cums inside of her, it’s blissful ecstasy and total silence in her head while she’s screaming into Momo’s cunt outside and shuddering and spasming her way through the most explosive orgasm of her life.

Finally though, it comes to an end. Midnight finds herself dropped bonelessly into the chair behind the teacher’s desk by Izuku, with him and Momo looking down at her curiously, clearly worried they might have broken her or something. Honestly, if she had a cigarette right now, she’d probably be smoking it… and she wasn’t even a fucking smoker!

“Ah… ma’am, you okay?”

“I am… fine, Midoriya. More than fine, in fact. I’m going to have to trouble you both in the future, I’m afraid… at least one session a week should do the trick. Does that sound agreeable?”

She doesn’t know what she’ll do if they say no. Actually go insane and turn into a villain? Maybe. Fortunately, it doesn’t come to that. Izuku and Momo exchange a quick glance, before both nod enthusiastically.

“Yeah… that definitely sounds agreeable to us, ma’am!”

Heh. They were… good eggs. Though that did bring to mind the other thing.

“Hm… you know, I was sent here by an anonymous note talking about ‘unheroic’ actions. Someone tried to sell the two of you out and get you in trouble. Any idea who that might have been?”

Izuku and Momo exchange another glance at that as Midnight pushes herself up in the teacher’s chair, slowly getting back control of her spasming, boneless limbs. Finally, the two turn back to her and begin telling her all about Ochaco Uraraka.

Listening, Midnight’s eyes narrow as she hears about all that the young woman has been doing to try to tear the two of them apart. This just won’t do. This won’t do at all…


Bryce Andrew Oquist

Loved the new chapter hope preemptive action shows up in the polls more keep up the amazing work and if you are feeling burnt out don’t forget to take breaks your one of my favorite NSFW authors and I love most of your stories and can’t wait to see what happens next


Another great instalment of PA! Love that Midnight is joining in, though I don’t remember Izuku knowing what Uraraka is trying to do.


An amazing chapter and I can't wait to see what happens next in the next poll for this! Great work man!👍


Considering the many creampies Izuku has been giving multiple girls throughout this story, I'm honestly waiting for one of them to tell Izuku, and his growing harem, she's pregnant, with the group then having a celebratory orgy.