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Themes: Loving Sex, Big Dick, Rough Sex

Summary: Widowmaker gets assigned a new handler by Talon. She doesn't really care, so long as she gets targets and gets to keep killing. Six months later, she finds out that all of her targets... have been Talon's richest benefactors. More than that, her handler has been deprogramming her each and every night in her sleep, reversing the brainwashing done to her. She's finally free. Of course, what's a gal to do with that newfound freedom but thank her rescuer?


The woman once known as Amelie Guillard opens her eyes and lets out a soft breath as she stares up at the hotel room ceiling. In that moment, she has a stark realization. She’s free. When did that happen? How did that happen?

She hadn’t even known she wasn’t free, to be honest. Talon’s claws in her mind had been insidious. She was well aware that they’d broken her when they’d first kidnapped her from her bed in the dead of night. They’d turned Amelie Guillard into a sleeper agent who’d killed her husband in his sleep two weeks after she’d been ‘rescued.

However, afterwards… when she gave up the name Amelie, when she chose to become Widowmaker and returned to Talon… she’d thought that was her choice. She’d thought that part at least was of her own free will.

Now she knew it hadn’t been. From start to finish, Talon had their hooks buried deep inside of her. She’d been compelled to go back to them, seemingly of her own volition, so they could finish what they started with her and turn her into the perfect weapon. And then they’d made use of her, turning her on their enemies and utilizing her as their weapon for the past several years.

… But not anymore. Retracing her memories, the French Femme Fatale realizes it started six months ago when she was assigned a new handler. The man hadn’t been anyone particularly special, but frankly she’d liked that in comparison to her previous handlers who were all either completely over the top of frankly incompetent.

This new handler had been neither of those things. He was an understated, calm and levelheaded man who had immediately got to work giving her missions. Only now, looking back, did she realize those weren’t normal Talon Missions. And her handler wasn’t a normal Talon Handler.

Narrowing her eyes, Widowmaker rises from the bed, satin sheets falling away from a nude, light blue body. She doesn’t bother covering up. Instead, silent as the grave, the female assassin pads her way out of the bedroom and down the hall to the hotel suite’s common area. There, she finds her handler waiting for her on the couch.


Leaning back on the couch with a tired smile on his lips, the unassuming man shakes his head.

“You don’t have to call me that anymore, Amelie. My name is Adam if you want to use that. Or… well.”

He gestures to the coffee table in front of him. Widowmaker follows his hand with her eyes, gazing over the contents of the coffee table. There are a dozen files spread out over its surface… along with a silenced handgun. No clip, she notes, meaning there’s probably only one bullet in the chamber. She doubts it’s completely empty, even as her analytical mind pieces together the scene.

The files are of all her targets over the last six months. Widowmaker gives them all a cursory glance, knowing immediately that they represent some of Talon’s top supporters. Her handler… or rather, Adam has been making good use of her skills to annihilate some very rich, very powerful people. But then, once you put a bullet between their eyes, everyone is the same meat at the end of the day regardless of their supposed net worth.

Moving languidly over to the table, she picks up the handgun and confirms what she already knew. One shot. Not for her, she instinctively knows. For him. He expects her to kill him and this is his way of asking her to make it quick.

“I understand if you hate me, Amelie. But I’m glad that I was able to give you your freedom at least.”

Looking over at Adam, she scoffs.

“Amelie Guillard is dead. She’s not coming back.”

His face falls a little at that.


But she shakes her head.

“Non. It worked. You freed me from Talon’s control. I am my own woman once again. But I cannot pretend I am Amelie. She’s dead, just like her husband.”

Even still, she was no longer Widowmaker either. Talon’s best and most deadly assassin was also dead alongside their control over her. Now that she was free, she couldn’t really continue to go by that name. Instead… well, the name Widowmaker had come from somewhere, hadn’t it? Before anything else, before any other missions… she’d made a Widow of herself first and foremost.

“… Call me Widow. That will be my new name.”

Adam hesitates before smiling and nodding.

“Widow then. A pleasure to meet you, Widow. Even if it’s short-lived. I hope… I hope you can find happiness, whatever you decide to do next.”

Widow looks at the man, still fully prepared for her to kill him… and scoffs. Lifting up the silenced handgun, she points it at the nearest wall and fires. The weapon kicks in her hand, the bullet strikes the wall and makes a hole… and the sound is mostly nullified by the silencer, as expected.

Tossing the empty gun away, Widow looks to see Adam giving her a confused look. She returns it with a wicked smile as she grabs the coffee table and flings it out of the way with her enhanced strength. Then, still completely naked, the blue-skinned femme fatale saunters up to her handler and climbs into his lap.

His breath hitches, as she runs her fingers down his face.


“You thought I would kill you? The one who gave me my vengeance and freedom all at once? The one who risked everything to see me as my own person again?”

Adam swallows thickly, even as she grinds herself into his crotch and feels him beginning to react through his trousers.

“I… I didn’t want to assume your emotional state. I was still Talon, you know. I just chose to betray them.”

“You betrayed them for me~”

It’s not a question, but Adam nods all the same.

“Well… yes.”

Widow smiles and then runs her hands down his chest, before moving so she’s straddling him but can reach his crotch and begin unbuckling his belt and opening his pants.

“You know, they made me believe I could not feel anything outside of killing. That was part of their control over me. They made me believe that I was broken, and only good as their weapon. But thanks to you, I now realize that was a lie. For all the changes Dr. Moira made to my physiology… I am still more than capable of feeling things like happiness, joy, affection, and love without someone dying first.”

Pulling his cock from its confines and stroking it with her hands, Widow looks her savior in the eye and smiles.

“Do you know how I know this, Adam?”

When he shakes his head, swallowing thickly in response, Widow leans forward and whispers in his ear.

“… because I am feeling all of these things right now.”

Then, lifting herself up and guiding him in, Widow proceeds to impale herself upon Adam’s cock, filling herself with his length. She realizes belatedly that he’s actually rather well-endowed. She only makes it halfway down his member before he hits the entrance to her cervix, causing an exclamation of surprise to leave her lips as she moans.

“Oh mon Dieu!”

Adam, for his part, groans in response, his hands finally coming up to grasp at her body. Just her waist, and he doesn’t dare move them anywhere else, but for the moment at least she considers that enough. Planting her own hands on his shoulders, Widow gives the handsome, well-hung man a sharp smile as she begins to bounce up and down on that first half of his cock.

“You are, nngh… very well-endowed, Adam.”

“Heh, I appreciate the compliment, Widow.”

But she shakes her head, moaning all the while.

“Not… a compliment. Merely a… statement of fact~”

He huffs in amusement, but it’s true. His big fat cock won’t even go all the way up inside of her. Which is a problem, because Widow wants to thank the man who freed her mind and saved her life properly. That’s why she starts bouncing upon his length harder, even as her pussy gets wetter and wetter. Before he’d freed her, she couldn’t even get aroused except for after an assassination.

Talon really did a number on her, turning her into their own little murderess. They’d made her think there was something irreparably wrong with her, something that nobody could fix and she just had to live with. In truth, they’d used their time on her to suppress such things, to keep her from feeling everything she might feel.

Not anymore. Widow was free now, and it was the man beneath her who had made that possible. Was it any wonder then that she thought she might be in love with him? Ah, but they wouldn’t rush anything. They could figure out where they stood with each other later. For now… this was merely gratitude.

Even as that thought runs through Widow’s mind, she’s leaning forward to plant her blue lips on Adam’s mouth. She kisses him then, her tongue pushing in and swapping spit with his tongue all while she bounces up and down on his cock. It’s not enough though. She wants all of him inside of her… and Widow always gets what she wants.

With a lustful growl, she truly slams her hips downwards… and in doing so, batters open the entrance to her own womb using Adam’s huge fucking prick. His cock pushes up through her cervix, leaving Widow to moans and groan in unison into his lips as her eyes flutter from the pleasure and pain. It’s certainly not an entirely pleasant experience, busting open her cervix like this. But she finds herself liking the pain. She finds herself to be a rather big fan of the discomfort, in fact.

Meanwhile, the pleasure and satisfaction of impaling herself all the way to the base of Adam’s cock cannot be discounted. Pulling away from Adam’s lips for a moment, Widow looks down and sees the bulge in her abdomen. It brings a grin to her face, even as she grips down harder on his shoulders and begins to properly ride him now.


Her paradoxically toned but jiggly blue ass slaps down onto the top of his legs with every thrust of her hips at this point, causing Widow to moan all the more wantonly. At the same time, Adam grunts and groans, his hands on her waist steadily moving down and around to grab at her buttocks. Not that she minds it. Having him dig his fingers into her ass, groping and squeezing at her… it’s quite the treat.

No other man will ever be allowed to touch her like this, she decides in that moment. Now that she finally has the freedom to choose, not that she finally gets to make her own decisions… the first thing Widow decides is that this man is the only man who will ever get to see her as she is now. Wanton, lustful, and above all else, madly in love.

Emphasis on the mad, truth be told. She’s not sane. That much, Widow is sure of. Even with all of Talon’s fuckery gone and behind her, she’s still never going to be normal. It’s like she told Adam, she can never truly go back to being Amelie Guillard ever again. But just because hers is an insane kind of love doesn’t make it any less valid.

She’ll burn the world for him if he asks it of her. Kill whoever he wants her to kill. Steal whatever he wants her to steal. Leaning in close, Widow plants a kiss on Adam’s brow before moving her head down so they’re pressed forehead to forehead with one another.

“I am yours. For as long as we both still live, I am yours.”

Her heartfelt declaration prompts a widening of his eyes and a panicked look from her rescuer, even as he tries to shake his head.

“No! I didn’t free you just to claim you Widow, I-mmph!”

Silencing him with a kiss, she pulls back after a moment and gives him a smile.

“I do not care. You must take responsibility for what you have done. I am purposeless. Even if you are not to be my Master, you must give me direction.”

He falls silent for a long moment at that, before narrowing his eyes as determination fills his gaze.

“… Then I am yours.”

Widow blinks in surprise, even as Adam slides one hand off of her ass up her back, pulling her against his chest into a hug.

“You’re mine and I’m yours. And together… we’ll figure it out as we go along. That’s my direction. That we decide as a team what happens next. No matter what, you’ll have an equal say in everything. Got it?”

Hah… for all that he was prepared to die today, and for all that he did not want to command her… Widow’s savior is quite the domineering man at times. She smiles softly and gives him a nod.

“Yes. I understand.”

Then, seemingly having decided he’s done talking, Adam begins to properly thrust up into her from below with his hips. At the same time, he buries his face in her tits, causing Widow to moan as they begin to really and truly fuck. Not just her bouncing up and down or riding his cock, but them both really going at it.

Letting out a moaning cry, she throws her head back as she undulates and gyrates her hips, clapping her cheeks upon his crotch all the harder.

“Merci! Merci, Merci! Merci!”

Even though his face is buried in her tits, she still thinks she hears his growled reply of ‘You’re welcome’ from between her breasts.

Perhaps it won’t be perfect. The world never is. Amelie Guillard had learned that the hard way, while Widowmaker had embraced the nastiness and done some truly terrible things in Talon’s name.

But Widow wasn’t either of those women. She was someone else entirely, someone knew. And so long as she had Adam at her side, she was confident that no matter what came next, she would be happy. Together, they would take the world by storm. Together, they could do anything.


KOS 1100

This can definitely be a interesting storyline


I need a series, I need a series NOW. good job Cambrian, as always!