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Themes: Dom/Sub, Cock Worship, Master/Slave

Summary: That night the YGGDRASIL servers went down, Satoru fell asleep alone at his desk. But when he woke up there was a weight on his chest. He opens his eye to see Albedo from the game nuzzling against him. She recognizes him as Momonga, her true love, and she's ready to serve him.


In some worlds, the night that the YGGDRASIL servers shutdown, Suzuki Satoru, aka Momonga, Guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown, found himself transported along with the rest of the Great Tomb of Nazarick to another world. But not in every world. In some worlds, he found himself transported alone to the new world. In other worlds, he wasn’t transported at all.

In this world in particular, Suzuki Satoru stayed online the longest out of anyone in his guild. He strolled the halls of Nazarick, made his way to the throne room, made a couple changes to a certain NPC, and then sat upon his throne waiting for the servers to shut down. When they finally did, he was unceremoniously booted from the game.

Fortunately, even though in reality he was just an overworked salaryman, Suzuki Satoru had in fact worked hard enough to accrue some vacation days. Specifically, he’d put in for bereavement leave ahead of YGGDRASIL shutting down… albeit without giving his employer any actual details about what he was going to need the bereavement leave for.

Still, it did mean he had the next three days off… an unheard of amount of time in the current era for him to not have to work. As such, considering he didn’t have to be anywhere in the morning… he saw no reason to go to bed just because YGGDRASIL was gone.

And so, instead Suzuki Satoru spent the next few hours trawling the old YGGDRASIL forums as well as looking through his own saved files, photos, and videos of all of Ainz Ooal Gown’s adventures in the game. These were the last remnants he had of not just the game, but also most of the relationships he’d fostered while playing. Everyone had moved on without him at this point, and because he had kept playing long after the others had all left, he hadn’t really kept up with any of them.

With tears tracking down his cheeks but a broad smile on his face, Suzuki Satoru eventually passes out at his desk from exhaustion.

… Which is why, when the salaryman is awoken sometime later by hands on his knees and a soft feminine voice filling his ears, he assumes it’s a dream.

“Master… Master Momonga, please wake up. Please tell me what to do.”

Slowly opening his eyes, the former Guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown looks down to see an impossible sight nestled between his legs. There, kneeling at his feet, is Albedo from the Great Tomb of Nazarick. The Overseer of Nazarick’s Guardians, the supervisor and the one in charge of the general management of the Tomb, Albedo was basically the highest ranking NPC, personally hand crafted by Tabula Smaragdina, one of Momonga’s closest friends.

She was also super fucking hot, drop-dead gorgeous in fact, and her assets and delectable attributes were only further enhanced by the way she was looking up at him with her big bright yellow eyes, longingly and needily.

Briefly, he recalls rewriting her personality in the last minutes before YGGDRASIL shut down. Originally, Tabula made Albedo with the personalist of a sadistic lush, the sort of woman who would gleefully fuck anything and everything, and also delighted in bringing pain to every one of her partners.

He’d felt a little bad doing it, but as Momonga, he’d been the only one left in all of Nazarick so… well, he’d gone ahead and modified her a little bit. He had kept the part about her being a total pervert but modified it so she was madly in love with him, making him the only one she wanted to fuck and dialing her sadism down to the negative at least where he was involved.

Staring down into Albedo’s eyes now, the tired salaryman doesn’t really have to think about it. He smiles a crooked smile and reaches out, grasping one of the beautiful succubus’ horns right there on the spot.

“Simple, Albedo. You serve your Master. You serve your Lord.”

Then, firmly, he tugs her towards his crotch, until she finally catches his meaning. Immediately, Albedo’s eyes light up in excitement.

“Y-Yes Lord Momonga! It would be my honest pleasure to serve you!”

A somewhat unhinged giggle leaves his lips at that. He knew this wasn’t real. He knew he was dreaming or… or hallucinating or something. But fuck it. He’d just lost everything that gave his life meaning. Truthfully, he didn’t even know whether he was going to still be breathing by the time his bereavement leave was over. He’d been planning on considering the merits of ending his own life over these next three days.

That could wait for tomorrow though. In this moment he was Lord Momonga once more, and his servant was all too willing to pleasure him.

Albedo’s hands, clad in silken white gloves, deftly work open his pants and pull out his cock. Momonga’s breath hitches and he groans as her own panting hot breaths ghost over his cockflesh, her gloved palms and fingers sliding along his length. With Albedo herself kneeling before him and playing with his dick, it doesn’t take long at all for the Lord of Nazarick to grow hard in her hands.

“Fuck Albedo, that’s it… use your mouth now. I want to see you suck my cock.”

He doesn’t bother holding back or controlling himself. None of this is real anyways, so why not truly lean into the fantasy? And Albedo is so eager anyways, so excited to be of use to him. She engulfs his throbbing erection with her lips right there on the spot, moaning and humming around his cock as she begins to bob up and down his length.

All the while, her yellow eyes remain affixed on his face, as if she’s studying every last inch of his features, etching them into memory. He smiles down at her… before grabbing hold of both of her horns.

“I’m sorry but I can’t hold myself back. I’m going to face fuck you now, you sexy demon bitch.”

With her mouth occupied, Albedo can’t exactly give her consent verbally. Instead, she gives him two thumbs up and begins sucking his cock all the harder, even as Momonga slams her down his length and starts thrusting into her mouth and throat.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

She takes his cock like a fucking champ. It frankly feels amazing, though to be fair it’s not like he has very many experiences to compare it to. Makes sense that this would be the best sex of his life though, seeing as how it’s all a dream anyways.

Bouncing Albedo’s head up and down his cock like there’s no tomorrow, since there very well might not be, Momonga truly enjoys using her throat-cunt as his own personal fuck hole. He doesn’t let up on the succubus for even a millisecond, and when he finally cums he doesn’t even think to warn her. She can handle it after all, right?

And to her credit, Albedo handles his load with ease. She swallows every last drop of her Lord and Master’s cum, drinking and guzzling down his jizz until there’s nothing left. His balls feel empty once he’s finally done cumming in Albedo’s mouth, but not a single drop escapes her lips in the process. As she pulls back, he feels himself beginning to soften… but they can’t have that.

“Albedo… dance for me. Strip for me and make it sexy. Then, I’ll fuck you silly with my big fat cock.”

Unfortunately, despite it being a dream, his cock isn’t actually huge or anything. But it’s above average, at least. Either way, Albedo is all smiles as she hastily rises from her knees and moves to the center of his bedroom. Flaring her wings out to either side, the tips of her feathers touching his walls as a result, she begins to sway her hips back and forth, dancing to music only she can hear.

That won’t do, so Momonga quickly turns back to his setup and quickly brings up some stereotypical nightclub music. As the sound resonates through his bedroom, he turns back to see Albedo has rapidly adjusted to fit the new beat, even as she begins to strip naked right in front of him.

Needless to say, the exceptionally arousing sight fills him with fresh lust and arousal, making his softening cock go back to fully hard in no time at all. Albedo, still all smiles, seems to take great pride and exposing her body to him, running her hands along her naked form as she shows him her breasts and hips, her ass and pussy, her hourglass figure in all of its perfectly sculpted glory.

Sending silent thanks to Tabula Smaragdina for his honestly glorious work, Momonga finally rises from his chair, no longer able to help himself. In the end, one hand on his cock, he points with the other towards his bed.

“Lay down, Albedo. I, your Master, am going to ravish you now and fuck you to my heart’s content. As my woman, slave, and property, you can thank me as much as you like.”

“Yes Master! Thank you so much, Lord Momonga! Long have I fantasized about this moment! Long have I waited for the chance to prove myself worthy of your affection! Even now-eep!”

She’d walked and talked, meaning that Momonga is able to climb on top of her and thrust into her waiting cunt while she’d mid-sentence. Albedo’s eyes roll back on her head and her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth as she cums from the penetration alone. Her pussy juices gush down his throbbing length, allowing him to push a couple inches deeper inside of her incredibly tight cunt right off the bat.

She talks about her fantasies, but in reality this is Momonga’s fantasy. His wet dream. Having Albedo all for himself has long been a desire of his. To have her in the flesh, to truly have her as his woman… but of course, he knew it was impossible. The world wasn’t fair. Albedo wasn’t real.

In this moment though, as he grabs her by the tits and begins to fuck into her, Albedo certainly feels real. In fact, she feels more real than most of real life has felt for a long time. That’s how he knows it’s all just a dream… but he’ll enjoy it all the way to the end no matter what.

Grunting as he begins to plow the gorgeous succubus upon his bed, Momonga eventually reaches out and grabs Albedo by her jaw, squeezing her cheeks with his fingers to get her attention.

“Finish what you were saying, Albedo. Praise me. Praise your Master.”

“Yessssss~ I love it, Master! I love your cock! Every last inch of Lord Momonga’s big fat DICK is inside of me, stirring up my needy insides! I w-was just saying before… even now, I don’t feel like I’ve earned it. I don’t feel worthy of your love, Lord Momonga.”

Humming at that, Momonga continues to drive himself in and out of Albedo’s cunt. On the one hand, it’s not like he has to answer her. This is his fantasy and thus about his pleasure, not her happiness. Even still… her happiness IS his pleasure.

“Am I not your Lord and Master, Albedo?”

“Y-Yes Master Momonga! Of course you are!”

“Then if I say you are worthy, if I say you’ve earned this… who are you to deny me?”

Albedo’s eyes widen at that.

“N-No Lord Momonga! Of course not! Please ignore this lowly one’s doubts and insecurities! Of course I must be worthy if you deem it so! I would never deny you, not in a million-mmph!”

Finally tiring of her talking, Momonga lunges forward and silences Albedo with a kiss. Both hands back on her tits, cock buried deep in her snatch, he fucks the gorgeous succubus as hard and fast as he can muster, groaning into her mouth as he does so. His tongue pushes past her lips and he dominates her mouth with it as well, feeling her happily submitting to him right then and there.

Eventually, Albedo’s arms come up to wrap around him. Her legs too. He fucks her in a consummate mating press, taking his gorgeous succubus slave and making her his bitch just like he’d promised he would. It feels good… no, it feels better than good.

Until finally, Momonga lets out a louder groan than before into Albedo’s lips and proceeds to cum inside of her. He paints her womb white with his seed and cums harder than he ever has in his entire life.

Once it’s over, once he’s done cumming… he feels a wave of exhaustion pass over him. Which is strange because this is supposed to be a dream, right? So really, how can he be tired enough to fall asleep when he’s already asleep?

Even still, feeling his limbs growing heavier and his eyelids closing against his will, Momonga pulls out of Albedo’s incredibly hot cunt and flops over onto his back. If nothing else… it was a good dream.


When he finally fully wakes up the next morning to sun shining through his filtered window, Suzuki Satoru feels a strange weight on top of him. Blinking up at the ceiling, he slowly turns his head to stare into the yellow eyes of Albedo. Who can say how long the succubus might have slept for, because even though she’s nestled up against his side and nuzzling his chest, she’s also wide awake and staring up at him patiently.

The moment he’s awake, she brightens.

“Lord Momonga! Shall I take care of your morning wood for you?”

Blinking at his throbbing erection already grasped by one of Albedo’s silky smooth palms, the overworked salaryman’s mouth opens and closes a couple times as he struggles to adjust to the situation. It was… real?

Finally, with Albedo’s expectant eyes still waiting for him to respond, he nods his head wordlessly. She promptly crawls down between his legs and begins to suck his cock dutifully, taking care of his morning wood right there on the spot. As she does so, her black wings spread out behind her and after staring for a moment, he suddenly speaks.

“Albedo… do you still have your full power here?”

Looking up at him, Albedo blinks and then pulls off of his cock, raising a hand and forming a small ball of magic in her palm.

“Yes, Master? Do you… do you not? Was that the cost of taking a flesh and blood form?”

For a second, he considers lying about his strength to her… but what would be the point? She’s on his side. That, he believes beyond a shadow of a doubt. Doesn’t mean he isn’t still going to tell a teensy fib.

“Yes… my original powers have all been sealed away. It was the cost I paid to bring us to this world after our old world died. I’m mortal now… and you are my only source of strength and protection.”

Albedo’s eyes widen further and further as he explains, until finally she lets out a breathless pant.

“M-Master… Master truly is the greatest, most benevolent Lord this lowly servant could hope for. Please Master… please tell me how best to serve you.”

In that moment, Suzuki Satoru truly ceases to exist. After all, why would he continue being who he was before when he could be what Albedo saw him as instead? Sure, he might not have anything he had in the game… none of his levels or skills, none of his equipment or power. But Momonga had one thing that nobody else in this world had. A full-fledged succubus with powers beyond what anyone could expect.

Suzuki Satoru dies with that realization. And Momonga of Ainz Ooal Gown lives on in his place.

“Return to taking care of my current erection, my beautiful, beloved slave. As you do so, I will explain how you’re going to help me.”

“Yes Master! Oomph!”

This world was a cesspit. He hated so much of it with all his heart. But with Albedo made real and at his side… the sky was now the limit for what Momonga could do.



I would really like to see this continue! Their first target should be a wealthy women exec/ceo, bonus points if they are part of an all female company! They could live at the top of a skyscraper with the upper floors being only theirs. Since Albedo has all her powers here that could mean Momonga can get the powers he had in the game. Long term stuff would be to target female scientist, geneticists, doctors, engineers, etc. To study and experiment with magic.

Jeff Jackson

Please continue this story!! I feel like this has a lot of potential


I really enjoyed this one, I truly love a good Overlord fic. The problem with most of them is that they follow canon a bit TOO closely. Admittedly, I love a good Momonga x Albedo relationship and that just isn't feasible with him as a skeleton. I'd be tickled pink if you decided to do a multi-chapter Overlord fic at some point Cambrian!

Alexander Semino

Enjoyed it a lot. If you ever continue this it would be fun to suddenly have Shalltear pop up and ruin the moment (at the end of this chap). Then start bickering with Albedo that it should have been her who got Momonga's first.