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Themes: Breeding, Foursome, Loving Sex

Summary: When Hancock agreed to help Luffy break Ace out of Impel Down only if he married her and her sisters, she actually wasn't expecting him to agree at the drop of a hat like he did. And even if he agreed, neither she nor her sisters were expecting him to actually understand what he'd signed up for. Little did they know that the Rizz of D was about to be unleashed upon them. Not that any are complaining.


Boa Hancock should have been elated. Ecstatic, even. It was her wedding night after all. And she’d married the most amazing man in the whole wide world. The ceremony had been particularly lovely, with not just the Kuja Pirates but every woman from Kuja Island in attendance. Better still, she had also managed to marry her sisters off at the same time… to the same man as herself.

And that was where Hancock’s anxiety came from. Even though the wedding was already over and done with, even though the marriage between the Gorgon Sisters and Monkey D. Luffy had already been finalized… she found herself wondering if she’d made a mistake. Not because she didn’t want to marry Luffy, mind you. She most definitely wanted him as her husband, and to be his wife in turn.

However, she was left wondering… did he truly understand what he’d agreed to? He hadn’t made a scene during the ceremony to be fair, and he’d said all the words he’d been told to say… but at the same time, was Luffy truly aware of what it meant to be married to all of them? Would he even be capable of performing his duties tonight on their shared marital bed?

Hancock and her sisters had all prepared, of course. Beneath their wedding dresses, they were all wearing white lingerie that hugged their curves in all the right places. The Kuja Empress just wasn’t sure whether Luffy would be up for the kind of bedroom games that the three of them longed to play with him.

“Sssister… you’re getting too far into your own head again.”

From her side, Boa Sandersonia suddenly pipes up, startling Hancock from her thoughts.

“That’s right. Our husband will either satisfy us… or learn to satisfy us. There’s no need to worry.”

From her other side, Boa Marigold makes her own opinion known.

Hancock looks at both of them with a sigh before finally nodding.

“You’re right, sisters. Even if Luffy doesn’t understand yet, we can explain it to him. And now that he’s our husband… I know he’ll carry out his duty to all of us.”

And yet, she still internally frets, even as she puts on a brave face and marches forward, leading the way. Her sisters follow after her, and eventually they come to the bedroom. Specifically, Hancock’s bedroom. It’s a place fit for a Warlord and Empress like herself. Easily the biggest bedroom on the whole island. It also sports a rather large bed, because sometimes Hancock can’t sleep at night without Sandersonia and Marigold at her sides to comfort her.

In that room, waiting for the three of them, is Monkey D. Luffy himself. Their new husband sits on the edge of the bed, though he pops up the moment they step inside, a bright smile on his face. He seems as innocent and carefree as ever. So very different from the men Hancock is used to dealing with. Be they navy or be they pirates, every man is the same. All they want is her body. All they want is to enslave her and her people.

Oh sure, they might dress it up nicely, but she knows better. She should after all, given her and her sisters’ past. Except… not Luffy. It had taken her some time to see through her own hatred, but finally Boa Hancock had realized that Luffy was different. He wasn’t like those other men.

The only problem with that was… she and her sisters still had needs. And desires as well. They wanted to bear their husband’s children. If Luffy couldn’t perform, Hancock wasn’t sure what she would do. There was no helping it though, they might as well rip off the bandage.

“Sit back down, Luffy. My sisters and I want to give you a show~”

To his credit, Luffy sits down. Though he does give a broad grin.

“Ah! Will there be meat involved? It’s just… I’m a little hungry.”

Hancock can’t help but giggle at that.

“Luffy! You ate so much at the reception though!”

“Mm… yeah, that was a good snack, wasn’t it?”

Rolling her eyes, she huffs and looks to her sisters, confirming that they’re ready.

“… There will be plenty of meat, Luffy. Just not the kind you eat.”

He frowns at that, but Hancock is already moving and so are her sisters. This type of dancing… it’s not something she’s done for a man in a long, long time. This is something the Kuja Pirates only really do for each other, or for themselves. Dancing is an expression of freedom among her people, a way of being more. Of course, strip dancing is an expression of freedom as well. And since they’re doing it for their husband and not their Master… it’s fine.

Better than fine, really. As Luffy watches them all strip out of their wedding dresses and down to their stark white lingerie, Hancock drinks in his gaze, enjoying every last moment of it. She and her sisters reveal their ‘meat’ inch by inch. Beautiful feminine bodies clad in tasteful but also sexy lingerie. And yet, still she finds herself uncertain of how Luffy will react.

When they finally stand before him, half-naked and showing off their bodies, Hancock looks at Luffy curiously.

“What… what do you think, Luffy?”

Without missing a beat, he gives her a broad smile.

“You’re all very beautiful, Hancock!”

She feels her sisters jolt in surprise at her sides, likely trying to detect any lies from Luffy. But she knows better. He’s not lying, he means every word. As her heart flutters like she’s some innocent maiden, Hancock finds herself turning over his response in her head. If he knew enough to call them beautiful, then did that mean? No, she didn’t dare to hope. They’d continue with the plan. They’d take things slow. They’d ease Luffy into this.

Giving her shocked sisters another look and smile, Hancock nods and then starts forward, putting a sway in her step that makes her bountiful hips sashay back and forth enticingly. After a moment, Sandersonia and Marigold do the same as they approach the would-be Pirate King.



“Oooooooh GOD! H-Harder! M-More!”

An hour later, Boa Hancock thinks she might have misjudged Monkey D. Luffy. Especially as she’s bounced up and down on his dick like nobody’s business, his massive cock plunging in and out of her depths deeply over and over again. His mouth, meanwhile, is on her perfectly sculpted tits, suckling and slurping at one of her nipples and then the other.

As he moves back and forth between them, Hancock’s head tosses back in another wanton moan, cumming for the umpteenth time around Luffy’s cock even as she finds herself staring upside down at her two spent sisters. Neither Sandersonia nor Marigold had lasted very long against the Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. No doubt that would be to their consternation later on.

Marigold is laid out on her back on Hancock’s bed, her massive tits caked in Luffy’s cum and the giantess’ quim overflowing with his seed. He’d pumped her to the brim and then some, not even hesitating to pump Hancock’s sister full of his jizz. She twitches and quivers every now and then but can’t actually seem to recover from being fucked insensate.

Meanwhile, Sandersonia is laid out over the back of a nearby couch. Her big head is hidden behind the couch, while her sizable ass is up in the air, allowing one to get a perfect view of her freshly fucked cunt as it disgorges some of Luffy’s seed. She too has been creampied and pumped to the brim, much to her vocal pleasure while the act was being performed.

Their lingerie is discarded, torn off, or barely hanging onto their frames in shreds. But to be fair, Hancock’s own lingerie isn’t much better off at this point. Her bra has been pulled down to her perfectly sculpted belly and her panties have been ripped off of her entirely. Her breasts are at Luffy’s mercy, as is the rest of her body as she’s bounced up and down on his cock.

The Straw Hat Captain is currently standing in the center of the room, fucking Hancock upon his member from below while she clings to him for dear life and cries out in ecstasy time and time again.

They’d underestimated Luffy. She’d underestimated Luffy. That much was obvious. A part of her was worried that maybe she’d also misjudged him. She’d thought him not like other men, but the way he’d been able to fuck them all silly spoke to someone she didn’t even know. At the same time, he truly wasn’t like other men. He was a beast, yes… but in all the right ways. And truthfully, Hancock loved it. She loved him, even now.

Another moan rips its way from her throat as he brings her to climax yet again. And then suddenly, Luffy is walking them somewhere. Every step he takes causes Hancock’s perfect body to bounce up and down on his cock, her tits jiggling right before his mouth. Until finally he turns… and sits down in a chair.

Until now, gravity had been dragging her down onto his cock, giving her no real room to breathe or think as she cried out and came again and again. She’d felt helpless and at a complete loss for words. But now, all of the sudden, more of her weight is resting on his legs and the chair, and she’s actually able to catch her breath.

Luffy pulls back from her tits and looks up at her with a big bright smile, even as Hancock stares down at him with wide eyes and an open mouth.

“I hope I’ve made this night everything you wanted it to be, Hancock.”

She blushes profusely and in the end can’t bring herself to answer with words. Instead, she leans down and kisses Luffy on the lips, and much to her pleasure, he kisses her back. Even better, he’s no longer controlling the pace anymore. Hancock slows everything down so she can take her time and enjoy her first night with her new husband more… carefully. She’s already a little bit sore, but as she gyrates upon Luffy’s cock, Hancock moans into his lips, shuddering in pleasure.

In response, Luffy groans, his hands still on her ass as he gropes and kneads her buttocks. He doesn’t need to hold her aloft anymore, but he continues to grip and squeeze her ass all the same, leaving Hancock to shiver and arch her back in delight, like a particularly excited pussy cat.

Someone must have awakened Luffy before she and her sisters got their hands on him. Someone must have given him The Talk at a bare minimum. Either way, now that he’d put things in her hands, Hancock is able to slow things down and have a more lovey dovey experience with her husband. Something she’ll be sure to make sure her sisters get in the days to come as well before Hancock and Luffy have to leave for Impel Down.

Ah, that reminded her… the whole reason Luffy had agreed to this marriage in the first place. Hancock had rather offhandedly demanded that he wed her and her sisters before she would help him get into Impel Down so he could save his brother, the infamous Fire Fist Ace. Maybe…

“Luffy… do you, mm, still wish to go to Impel Down after this?”

His eyes flash from beneath his ever-present straw hat as he looks up at Hancock with a serious expression.

“Yes. I need to save Ace. You’ll help me, right?”

Ah well, it was worth a check. It would have been so much easier if marrying her and her sisters and bedding the three of them tonight had changed Luffy’s priorities. Even better if she could have used her body to convince him to not run into danger, or even to give up his dream of becoming King of the Pirates.

But… no, if he wasn’t willing to give up on Ace, Hancock could tell that nothing would stop him from giving up on becoming King of the Pirates either. And that was fine. A good wife supported her husband in all of his endeavors. Smiling softly, Hancock nods as she presses a kiss into Luffy’s forehead.

“Of course, Luffy. I promised I would.”

He tilts his head back and kisses her on the lips again, causing Hancock to moan as she begins to ride him at a slightly faster pace. While she enjoyed going slow and experiencing some loving sex with her husband, she also couldn’t help but want it rough and fast too, bouncing up and down on his big fat cock of her own volition. The same cock that ruined her two sisters in no time at all is now ruining her… and Boa Hancock wouldn’t have it any other way.

Pulling back from their lip lock after a time, she stares Luffy right in the eyes.

“Cum for me, Monkey D. Luffy! Cum for me, O’ King of the Pirates!”

He grunts and tips over the edge, filling her with his life-bearing seed. Her womb, much like Sandersonia’s and Marigold’s, is as fertile as can be… and there’s no doubt in Hancock’s mind that Monkey D. Luffy is a virile specimen of a man. If anyone is going to be able to knock her and her sisters up in record time, it’ll be their new husband.

Which is good, because Impel Down is a death trap. Hancock has full faith in her ability to get herself out if the worst case scenario happens, but she’s not so sure she’ll be able to get Luffy out as well. Fortunately, he’s not asking that of her. He only wants her to get him in. And if worst comes to worst… at least she and her sisters will be carrying Luffy’s children and his legacy will continue.

But even as Hancock slowly pulls herself off of Luffy’s cock and stumbles away on shaky legs to find a glass of water, she somehow knows he won’t fail. He’ll succeed and surprise everyone in the process. Just like he surprised her and her sisters.

They made the mistake of underestimating Luffy, but no more. Hancock swears she’ll never underestimate her husband ever again. The only man worthy of her and her sisters… also the only man worthy of her people as well.

Nobody knows Monkey D. Luffy like she does now. Nobody knows how much they don’t know about the Straw Hat Captain. They don’t understand what Boa Hancock now understands.

The Rizz of D is not to be underestimated. And Luffy is just getting started.


Kyo Amamoto

this sounds like it could be a long fic all its own

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-06 00:00:49 Starts with Hancock and as time passes Hancock and her Sisters begin to understand the beast they have awoken, Hancock tries to calm him down by adding more Kuja Warriors to the Buffet and later finding and 'bringing' females from all over be they be Marines, Pirates, Fishman or Civilians!
2024-03-29 22:33:41 Starts with Hancock and as time passes Hancock and her Sisters begin to understand the beast they have awoken, Hancock tries to calm him down by adding more Kuja Warriors to the Buffet and later finding and 'bringing' females from all over be they be Marines, Pirates, Fishman or Civilians!

Starts with Hancock and as time passes Hancock and her Sisters begin to understand the beast they have awoken, Hancock tries to calm him down by adding more Kuja Warriors to the Buffet and later finding and 'bringing' females from all over be they be Marines, Pirates, Fishman or Civilians!

Colin Peden

I agree, this has the makings of a great fiction, adding the Kuja Pirates, then the entirety of the Kuja Island population. Then other female pirates, like Bonnie (aged up to not be a child, or just not used at all), Marines, Royalty (you know who), fish women, civilians the whole lot. Food for thought, Boa finds out that Robin awoke him to sex, she then roped Nami into it, then they were separated and he married her and her sisters. All of this shortly before Shabondy Island and the crew being slept, Save Ace Arc started.


Do remember that Jewelry Bonnie is TEN YEARS OLD pre-time skip.

Colin Peden

I actually did not know that, in that case either she gets dropped from the idea I suggested, or have her be aged up. Thank you for telling me, I'll edit the original post.