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Themes: Dom/Sub, Virgin Sex, Rough Sex

Summary: Lillie, Mallow, and Lana all receive an invitation to visit Ash at his new mansion. Said invitation is exceedingly blunt and forthright about what they can expect if they do indeed come over for a visit. None of them even hesitates to accept though.


Lillie, Mallow, and Lana were all on their way to Ash’s new place, each wearing their own swimsuit. The three of them had been on edge ever since seeing that video in Lusamine’s Office the week before. However, that was nothing compared to last night when Ash had invited them all over to stay at his place for a night.

But not just that. He’d sent a video along with the invitation… one that showed them masturbating in Lusamine’s Office on that fateful day a week back. The invitation had concluded with somewhat ominous but also incredibly titillating words.

Bring whatever you want me to tear off of you as I fuck you… like I do with all of my women.

It was just a written message, but the tone positively popped off the page, and the implications had all of them shivering in excitement. In fact, Lana actually came a little at that moment, as there was nothing the blue-haired young woman loved more than power… and most importantly, someone else powerful lording it over her.

As the trio of young women arrive outside of Ash’s new Mansion, they’re shocked to see Serena and May both departing at the same time, the two other women slipping into a taxi that pulls away from the estate just as Lillie, Mallow, and Lana pull up. It leaves them all wondering just how many women Ash had had and what his relationship with all of them was at this point in time.

Of course, little did they know, Serena and May were leaving to settle things elsewhere so they could begin the process of moving in. But that wasn’t quite relevant just yet.

Walking up to the door, more nervous but also more excited than ever, Lillie knocks for them. Which is more than fitting considering that it’s not Ash who answers the knock, but Lusamine, Lillie’s mother. Lillie freezes up like a deer caught in headlights as Lusamine grins at her wickedly, while both Mallow and Lana blush in remembrance of watching the older blonde woman get her brains fucked out of her head by Ash a week ago.

Wearing little except for a rather skimpy one piece swimsuit, Lusamine looks over the three younger women for a long moment before humming in consideration.

“… Very cute~”

Grabbing up Lillie, she drags the younger blonde in for a deep kiss before pulling back and giggling almost girlishly.

“Welcome to the family, darlings~”

Even Lillie, dazed from the sudden kiss, recognizes that Lusamine isn’t talking about their family. No, she’s talking about Ash’s family. More specifically, she’s talking about Ash’s growing harem, isn’t she? Blushing profusely and more than a little heated at this point, the trio follow Lusamine into the mansion. They’re all starting to wonder just what they’re in for truth be told, and that wondering only grows when they pass by a certain room.


“Mm, you were right Dawn… Ash fucked harder than I was before. How does it feel now?”

“G-Good… d-don’t stop… nnngh~”

In the room the trio pause by briefly, they see Dawn getting drilled by Zoey from behind, with a huge hulking strap-on that reminds the three young women of Ash’s cock. It was incredibly hot, but Lusamine makes a clicking noise in the back of her throat that reminds them of what they were supposed to really be here for. They continue on their way.

Next, they arrive at a large kitchen. There, they see two older women wearing Naked Aprons. Of course, the three can’t help but recognize the mothers of the two girls they just saw in different situations in the last five minutes. Grace and Johanna both smile wickedly as they look over the three newcomers, admiring their swimsuits.

“Welcome you three~”

“We look forward to having dinner with you later~”

Before Lillie, Mallow, or Lana can even think to muster up a response to that in the face of such sexily confident MILFs, the three are startled by a truly guttural groan from outside. Lusamine perks up and giggles as she looks at her three charges.

“Seems like Olivia is finally hitting her limit… we should head over~”

Lusamine’s smile is so big it almost seems to go beyond realism at this point as she guides the three out of the kitchen and towards the backyard. But not before the blonde MILF notices the way Mallow is blushing profusely at the sight of Grace and Johanna, her gaze lingering far beyond what Lillie or Lana do. It would seem that Mallow had a fetish for beautiful, bountiful older women~

Finally, they arrive at their ultimate destination. Ash’s Pool. The back area of the Champion’s Estate can barely be called a backyard when it’s actually more like several acres of land. But the pool area is more contained by a hedge, and truthfully the trio of young women following Lusamine like a grouping of little ducklings don’t really spare much attention to the beautiful vista that stretches out before their eyes.

Nor do they even bother to enjoy the beauty of the pool area either. Rather, Lillie, Mallow, and Lana only have eyes for what’s happening next to the pool… where Ash is fucking the kahuna Olivia bent over with his hands around her wrists and pulling her arms behind her back as his cock pounds into her hard and fast.

The faces Olivia is making as she’s plowed silly are quite embarrassing and rather funny looking, but if she cares that she’s being seen in such a humiliating manner, she certainly doesn’t show it. Her eyes crossed and her lips forming into a small ‘o’, the kahuna cums again and again upon the Alolan Champion’s big fat cock.

Watching from the side with a hand in her bikini bottoms, Melissa looks over as they all come out and giggles eagerly.

“Lana, darling! So glad you could make it. I was wondering when you would arrive… Olivia is about to pass out, after all she’s so weak to anal, hehe~”

Her teasing causes the three younger women to look a little more closely at Ash and Olivia’s joining and finally realize that Ash is actually hilted inside of the kahuna’s tight ass. In fact, the dark-skinned woman is only upright at this point because his massive member is so deep in her bowels she can’t slip off of him, plus he’s holding her by her arms.

Finally though, after what looks like one last explosive orgasm on Olivia’s part, Ash cums deep inside of her, filling her bowels up like he’s obviously already filled her womb. Then, he pulls out of her, causing her to squeal all over again from the sudden lack of intrusion and stretching.

Lillie, Mallow, and Lana half expect Ash to just drop Olivia onto the ground right where they’re both standing. Which is why they all blush a little harder when instead he proves gentle, tender, and caring enough to carefully set the insensate kahuna down on a nearby chair instead, laying her on the lounge chair so she can rest.

In doing so, he gives all three of them a nice, long look at his throbbing, lethal bitch breaker. Lillie, Mallow, and Lana all exchange glances… and in that moment, any solidarity that might have existed between the three of them dies a swift death as they realize belatedly that they’re actually each other’s competition in this moment.

The trio all move to step forward at the same time… but only one of them actually manages to take that step. Coming up behind the distracted younger women, Lusamine and Melissa grab onto Lillie and Lana respectively, pulling them back into their full bosoms and holding them tight. Ultimately, only Mallow is allowed to advance in Ash’s direction, much to Lillie and Lana’s respective whining over that fact.

After glancing back in surprise, the dark-skinned Pokemon Trainer’s face hardens in determination and resolve and Mallow turns back to Ash, continuing to make her way over to him. Of course, that determination and resolve lasts right up until she gets within a couple feet of him. Then, it’s like the gravity of the situation hits her. Either that or he has this aura about him that just… causes her legs to shake and her pussy to clench and her nipples to harden.

Her knees want to buckle under her and Mallow is almost ready to let them, but before that can happen and she can sink down to the ground, Ash steps up to her. He grabs the front of the dark-skinned young woman’s swimsuit and rather contemptuously rips it off her body, just like he’d promised to.

Mallow squeaks but doesn’t cover herself up. Not that there’s much to cover up. Even though she and Ash have both grown a lot as Pokemon Trainers since the first time they met, and even though they’re both much older… their bodies haven’t changed much. In Ash’s case, it doesn’t really matter that he’s stayed perpetually short because he more than makes up for it with the hugest cock in the entire Region if not the World. But in Mallow’s case, she’s stayed rather petite. The most complimentary way to describe her would be ‘lithe’.

But Ash doesn’t seem to care, Mallow quickly discovers. He takes hold of her itty bitty titties and begins to suckle and slurp at them without a care in the world, all while she moans throatily and shudders in his grasp. Then, his lips still on her teats, he slides his hands down her body to grip her perky behind… and lifts her into the air.

Completely on instinct, Mallow wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He’s so strong and he shows it by holding her aloft with ease… and driving her down onto his cock a moment later without hesitation.

Her eyes widen as she’s suddenly taken, just like that. Mallow had come here today to get fucked by Ash of course, same as Lillie and Lana. That had always been the plan. But she wasn’t expecting there to be so little foreplay before he claimed her virginity and made her his woman. Then again… she was already sopping wet, so what could she truly expect?

In a way, everything leading up to this point was the foreplay. From them masturbating in Lusamine’s Office to the video, to them getting here today and seeing Dawn and Zoey together, or Grace and Johanna in the kitchen. Even watching the tail end of Olivia getting plowed in the ass was foreplay.

With all that considered, Mallow really shouldn’t have been surprised. Still, she definitely was. One moment Ash was just suckling at her cute little rock hard nipples. The next, he was inside of her, taking her virginity. It’s everything the petite young woman had wanted of course, but she’s still caught off guard and left squealing hard as she shakes and shudders upon his cock.

“Well, Mallow? What do you think?”

Groaning, her eyes rolling up in her head as she shivers upon his member, Mallow answers honestly and without reservation.

“Sooooo goooood~”

Laughing at that, Ash begins to fuck her right then and there, bouncing her up and down on his cock as she clings to him for dear life. Mallow can hardly believe it’s finally happening, but at the same time she can’t get enough. She mewls and moans, she gurgles and groans, and most importantly of all, she cums and cums upon Ash Ketchum’s big fat cock.

Needless to say, she’d been fantasizing about this for an awful long time. Even before the video they’d watched in Lusamine’s Office last week, Mallow had had a huge crush on the new Alolan Champion. That’s why… she clings to him all the harder. She can’t quite voice what she wants… that she doesn’t want him to hold back. But she tries her best to make it clear through her wanton moaning and her actions, holding on to Ash tightly as he grunts and squeezes her ass with both hands.

Until finally, after more orgasms than Mallow could count, Ash suddenly cums inside of her. No warning, no asking if it was okay… he just does it. Mallow doesn’t mind though. In fact, she’d have it no other way. She wants him to fuck her, breed her, and make her his woman. She wants to join Ash’s harem more than anything in the whole wide world.

Of course, what she doesn’t necessarily want is for her idol, the kahuna Olivia, to see her in such an embarrassing state. Mallow had almost managed to forget that Olivia was out there next to the pool with them. Lost in the throes of ecstasy as she had been, it was easy as hell to completely lose track of her surroundings.

Not so easy when Ash pulls her off of his cock and drops her down onto the lounge chair where Olivia has been laid out. Mallow’s eyes widen as she finds herself on her knees between the kahuna’s spread legs, Olivia giving her a wicked grin as she dips fingers into her own creampied pussy and draws out some of Ash’s seed.

Pulling Mallow’s arms behind her back, he doesn’t even give her a chance to protest being seen like this by her idol before he hilts himself in her tight ass. His cock, well-lubricated by this point, slides right into Mallow’s bowels, encountering only a little more resistance than he did in her cunt. She can only squeal and groan as Ash fucks her hard, while Olivia grins up at her and smiles.

“It’s okay darling~ I’m here for you~”

Mallow blushes hard at that. Her own mother had died so long ago to illness, and Mallow had sort of latched onto Olivia, first as a parental figure and then as an idol to aspire to be like. More than that though, she’d developed a bit of a fetish for sexy, hot, older women. It wasn’t nearly as big as her crush on Ash was, but it was definitely in second place.

All these MILFs had definitely awoken that side of Mallow, and though she’s reluctant to explore it initially, having Ash inside of her ass and Olivia kissing and holding her… it was too much for Mallow not to leap in feet first. Moaning happily, the lithe Pokemon Trainer eagerly kisses Olivia back, snuggling with the older woman while Ash fucks her from behind in a similar position to how he’d been fucking Olivia when they all first arrived.

Finally, with one last grunt, Ash eventually cums deep inside of Mallow’s ass, giving her an anal creampie to match the one in her no longer virginal cunt. She moans into Olivia’s mouth as he does so and collapses fully on top of Olivia’s busty chest when Ash finally pulls out of her a moment later.

Leaving the two dark-skinned women to kiss and cuddle, Ash then turns to the next in today’s line up. Lillie blushes as Lusamine shows off her daughter, having dragged the younger blonde over to a nearby lounge chair and laid them both out across it. With Lillie laid out with her head nestled between Lusamine’s breasts, her legs are spread open and her pussy lips splayed wide by Lusamine’s fingers.

Ash saunters over, his throbbing mast in hand as he raises an eyebrow at the two of them but ultimately focuses on Lillie.


Blushing deeply, Lillie nevertheless enthusiastically nods. There’s nothing more she wants right now than to have Ash deep inside of her… and that’s exactly what she gets as the Alolan Champion climbs aboard and slams home into her cunt, properly sandwiching her between him and the older MILFy blonde currently laid out beneath her.

Lusamine coos into Lillie’s ear as Ash fucks her, and Lillie moans up a storm, tightening around his thrusting cock not just because of how good he feels, but also because of the things Lusamine is saying to her.

“That’s it, sweetie. Get fucked silly by Ash’s big fat cock. Let him plow you nice and deep so that he can knock you up. I want a lot of grandbabies, and you’re my best shot of making that happen.”

On the one hand, being told Lusamine’s intentions point blank like that while she was losing her virginity to her crush was somewhat mortifying for Lillie. On the other hand, it was a total turn on as well. Being held in Ash’s big strong arms, being fucked by his big fat cock, and knowing that she would soon be growing large with Ash’s children.

It’s enough to bring her to climax after climax, making an utter mess of the lounge chair as she squeals her way through orgasm upon orgasm until Ash finally cums inside of her with a grunt. Lillie’s eyes roll back in her head as she swaps spit with the young man, their tongues wrestling for a brief moment before finally he’s finished filling her womb with his seed.

When he pulls out of her however, Lillie doesn’t wait for him to decide how she’s going to get fucked in the ass. After all, she knows the score by now. She is her mother’s daughter after all, and she’s inherited Lusamine’s brilliant mind and ability to rapidly connect the dots that are right in front of her.

With that in mind, Lillie flips over much to Lusamine and Ash’s surprise. But also to their pleasure, because after flipping over, Lillie crawls backwards along the MILFy body under her, pushing her ass into Ash’s hands and causing his cock to hot dog her butt cheeks as she positions herself between Lusamine’s legs.

Then, she leans down and begins to eat the creampie Ash left behind in Lusamine’s cunt, slurping away at it with her tongue. Lusamine moans and groans, the blonde MILF shuddering in surprise. Ash just chuckles at the sight though, and proceeds to palm Lillie’s ass cheeks, spread them wide, and slide his cock right home into her waiting anus.

Lillie moans and groans into Lusamine’s cunt, causing no small amount of reverberations up through the older blonde’s body. At the same time, Ash fucks her ass hard and fast, causing her nose to bump into Lusamine’s clit over and over again, prompting lewd lurid cries from the MILF’s lips as she wraps her legs around Lillie’s head.

What follows is a consummate spit-roasting, albeit one of Lillie’s own design as she finds herself trapped between Ash and Lusamine yet again… but also loving every last second of it, of course. Her anal passage clenches and squeezes around Ash’s cock rhythmically, and her tongue dives deeper and deeper into Lusamine’s cunt.

She could have stayed like this forever, truth be told. She could have died happy doing this. But alas, Lillie is not the last of the three, and even if she was, Ash has plenty of other women who want a piece of him as well. With one last grunt, Ash unloads in Lillie’s ass just like he did Olivia and Mallow’s.

Much like with Mallow, he also pulls out of Lillie and leaves her where she is, trusting in Lusamine to take care of her in the same way Olivia had taken care of Mallow. Then… he turns to the final young woman who’s come here today to have him claim her virginities.

Lana and Melissa have not been idle, but the pair of blue-haired women aren’t quite the same as the others. Indeed, they don’t seem to have so much as touched each other. Instead, they’ve taken to doing laps up and down Ash’s pool, perhaps to help Lana blow off steam while she waited for her turn… or perhaps, Ash notes from the way they’re swimming rather hard, to give him a challenge.

Slipping into the pool confirms it. Immediately, Lana swims away from him and a smirk spreads across Ash’s face. The cute blue-haired Water Trainer wanted to give him a chase. She wanted to make him earn it. And judging by the wide grin on Melissa’s face as she moves off to the side and lounges back against the edge of the pool, she approves wholeheartedly of her daughter’s impish decisions.

Chuckling to himself, Ash takes in a deep lungful of air and then dives under the water, giving chase to Lana. At first, she stays ahead of him. She’s much more maneuverable underwater, with her long experience with the element proving to give her an advantage. In comparison, while Ash has had Water Type Pokemon on his travels before, he’s never been the kind to specialize. He’s always been a Generalized Pokemon Trainer, and he’s never felt particularly bad about that.

Some would argue that Pokemon Gym Leaders and Elite Four Trainers all specialized and had a certain type of Pokemon that they focused on at the expense of all others, allowing them to reach great heights. But by comparison, Pokemon Champions and Pokemon Masters all had far more varied teams, and they showed their true skill and power by routinely beating those specialized trainers to stand at the top of the world above them all.

Ash wasn’t a Gym Leader or a member of any region’s Elite Four. He was a Pokemon Champion in his own right now, and maybe a Pokemon Master as well. He didn’t specialize… nor did he have to.

In the end, Lana’s experience gives her the edge at first, but not in the long run. The more their game continues, the more it becomes obvious who has the greater stamina between the two of them. As someone who’s spent so much of her life in water, one would think she would have Ash beat. But Ash isn’t the type of guy who gives up. Ever. And that shows in the manifestation of his indomitable spirit.

He catches Lana long before she can truly exhaust herself and risk drowning, of course. He captures her and pulls her up to the water’s surface, pushing her against the edge of the pool next to where her mother is lounging. Lana gasps as she clings to the pool’s edge, only to feel him flick aside her bikini bottoms and slam home into her virgin cunt from behind.

He doesn’t even bother tearing her swimsuit off of her. He doesn’t have to, not when they both know he’s just conquered her in her own element. Lana’s head tilts back and her spine arches as the Water Trainer moans like a wanton slut, shuddering and quivering while getting fucked from behind by the incredibly powerful Pokemon Champion.

This was Lana’s thing. Mallow had a MILF kink… and Lana had a Domination Kink. She wanted nothing more than to be utterly and completely dominated and conquered by a man as strong and amazing as Ash Ketchum. Of course, it wasn’t just strength either. Ash had this aura of awe to him that couldn’t be matched. And more than that, he was a good guy.

Lana’s eyes roll back in her head as she’s fucked to orgasm after orgasm. She gurgles as she cums upon Ash’s cock until he finally fills her womb with his seed down below just like Mallow and Lillie. And she cums some more when he takes her anal virginity as well and fucks her ass. Not because she’s some sort of anal freak, but rather because his claiming of both of her holes is in and of itself a representation of immense domination.

He owns her now. She belongs to him like all his other women. And sure, Lana will jerk the leash sometimes, maybe force him to catch her in this lovely pool of his once in a while before he can fuck her… but that’s only to remind both of them who owns her. Who holds that metaphorical leash.

Gurgling as Ash cums in her ass just like he did her cunt, Lana can only hold onto the edge of the pool and tread water while he turns on her mother and begins to fuck Melissa again as well. Everything is perfect. Everything is spectacular.


From over on the lounge chair, Lusamine watches the proceedings with a wicked smile on her lips and lidded eyes. Cynthia and Diantha might have been the ones who awakened Ash’s sex drive and started him down this path to domination, but as soon as Lusamine had found out about it, she’d known she had to get involved.

Not just involved either… she’d gone so far as to inject herself right into Ash’s life, first to show him she would happily submit to him… but also then to show him how much better things could be if he REALLY stopped holding back and truly let loose.

Safe to say, Lusamine had fully accelerated Ash Ketchum’s descent into debauchery, taking the start that Diantha and Cynthia had given her and running with it. And she’d loved every second of it, truth be told.

Looking down at Lillie, who is cuddled into her side and lightly dozing at this point, Lusamine giggles.

“And there’s so much more to come too~”

Her smile widens as she hears Melissa squeal at the top of her lungs from over in the pool, along with a familiar sort of grunt from Ash. She’s not surprised when he climbs out of the pool a moment later and begins to approach her. In fact… she welcomes him with open arms.


Her smile widens as she hears Melissa squeal at the top of her lungs from over in the pool, along with a familiar sort of grunt from Ash. She’s not surprised when he climbs out of the pool a moment later and begins to approach her. In fact… she welcomes him with open arms.



Thanks for the bonus chapter, it was pretty fun! I've got to say, Lusamine is probably my favorite character in this series so far, she was quite a bit of fun! Still waiting on Misty to make an appearance though… ;)