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Iseldec’s tower is nothing more than a circle of stones scattered around a field now, practically highlighting the wide entrance to the dungeons that sit beneath the ruins. But the dungeons promise to be at least as deep underground as Iseldec’s tower once reached above the lands – a vertical shaft connects untold small dungeon levels that seem to cling tightly around it. The shaft itself is open to the sky above, as it once continued into the tower proper. Through the shaft and the entrance hall (and whatever places the dungeons connect to) untold foulness has crept into the old stone dungeons.

Here are the first four levels of “Iseldec’s Drop” – and each level is indeed a very “tight” arrangement (fitting into a 160 foot x 160 foot area) connected by both stairs and the central “drop” shaft. The shaft provides airflow, waste disposal, and a certain amount of vertical mobility for a nest of harpies that lives on one of the lower levels (who in turn make sure not to disturb the small family of cockatrices that also use the shaft).

These uppermost levels are home to the more “traditional” dungeon denizens that would move in from the surface above – goblinoids in search of a base of operations and protection from the hated sun.

Points of interest include a fairly new and quite heavy rope suspended over the side of the shaft and extending down to the lower levels, a secret chamber on level 3 that connects to the level above, and the defensive entry into the dungeon proper that is rarely watched carefully by the goblins during the day because the sunlight hurts their eyes and they’d rather be napping.

(Levels 5-8 are also drawn, and will appear here in April)

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 9,600 x 9,600 pixels (32 x 32 squares). To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for the recommended 10‘ squares that make sense with the design) – so resizing the image to 2,240 x 2,240 pixels or 4,480 x 4,480 pixels, respectively.





Did I somehow miss March's Backstage Pass? Or there won't be one for this month?