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Let's get organized and strike two avians with one igneous projectile!

As we roll into May I have to thank you all again for your incredible support and your patience with my ever-slow methods and madness. I'm a bit scattered at the best of times, and sometimes I let things get pretty out of control around me (like almost waiting until the end of April for the release the kraken poll).

Soooo here we are again with a one-two punch.

The first is of course the backstage pass. Here's the nine maps that will be going up on the Dodecahedron through this month. A mix of big and small, and a few of them are drawn directly from Patreon requests (and there will be more based on requests in the coming months until I put out a new call for requests). The backstage pass file is attached to this message as a .zip file as usual, so click on that and download it!

Next up are the May Krakens! I've grabbed a mix of maps that focus primarily on quite recent releases and some going back to 2014 ish to pick from this month. As we seem to be keeping the funding solidly above the $500 level, there will be two re-releases this month again, taking the two maps that get the most votes.

So here's the link to vote on those maps:  https://goo.gl/forms/VzFiFk9bBTcWsvRw1



