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The Strangled Imp is a dark and cramped space, with wooden beams and a slowly decaying roof that leaks into the owner’s apartments above. The air is thick with smoke, sweat, and the smell of ale and rancid meat. The floor is very old stone fieldstone, predating this building by a few centuries. A fireplace dominates the wall opposite the front door, where a spit of meat slowly roasts – the other walls are adorned with rusty weapons and taxidermied animal heads. The tavern has no “bar” per se, with the staff instead typically found sitting at a table or the chair near the back room – serving drinks and collecting coin as required.

The sign for the tavern is a foot-tall wooden carving of a small demonic cherub-like form, their tail wrapped around their neck and then attached to the wall outside the front door by a large nail. The front of the tavern is a raised stone “porch” with a small bench and a few chairs used in pleasant weather by those who find the tight interior a bit too much. The side door of the tavern leads into the alleyway between the Imp and the leatherworker’s next door. The alley is particularly foul as patrons use this space to relieve themselves of all the ale they’ve consumed – sometimes quite messily.

Upstairs we have the home of the owner – the owner sleeps in the bed on the left, in the main room before the hearth. The back bedroom on the right is for the owner’s mother, and the small bed in the side room is used for guests or if the owner has hired someone who needs a place to stay.

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 5,400 pixels (18 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for the 5′ squares assumed for the design) or 140 pixels (for 10‘ foot squares) – so resizing the image to 1,260 pixels or 2,520 pixels wide, respectively.




E Van C

Hi, thanks so much for all your maps, I'm a very satisfied patron! One small thing would make the maps a lot more usable for me, though. In my VTT, I just need the number of squares, not the number of pixels. So, rather than downloading, opening the file, and dividing by 300, it would be really lovely for me if you could include the number of vertical squares as well. Knowing the map is 18x24 would save me time if I have to download during a game. Again, I really appreciate and love your maps and use them often! Thanks.


Alright, I'll try adding that info to the maps in the future. Don't the VTTs have the basic decency to just accept one set of squares and figure out the other dimension?