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I've got a love for running water in dungeons. I'll blame it on the sample dungeon from the AD&D1e DMG, but I also remember the river right out front of the first dungeon I ever ventured into in that fateful game that converted me to RPGs back in late '79. At the base of Mount Thorrien is a shrine to one of the dwarven patrons of the great war – a water deity that helped guide the dwarven earthships to this realm to engage in the war against the Kale. The clan that built this shrine, along with most of the dwarves of Mount Thorrien, were among the clans who managed to maintain their fleet of earthships through the war and then departed in them when the fighting was over.


[Friday Map] The Dwarven Shrine at Mount Thorrien

At the base of Mount Thorrien is a shrine to one of the dwarven patrons of the great war - a water deity that helped guide the dwarven earthships to this realm to engage in the war against the Kale. The clan that built this shrine, along with most of the dwarves of Mount Thorrien,...


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