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Some very minor changes to the campaign are coming today. Nothing that should impact most patrons except those pledging at the 5c and 5c levels.

Somewhere along the way Patreon turned off the ability to accept pledges below the $1 mark. They did this once before and then apologized, reinstated it, and told us they would let us know if and when said change would be implemented.

It seems it happened a few months ago.

So today I'm going to be removing the 5c and 50c patronage options from the campaign because it isn't possible to actually select them anymore as a new patron or as an old patron who wants or needs to reduce their patronage level.

what this means for people currently at those pledge levels is you will be moved to the "no reward" pledge level, but your existing patronage amount won't change unless you decide to change it. So nickel mapper supporters can continue to do so as long long as they please.

For new patrons this means everyone will be at the $1 level or above - so I'll be re-writing those pledge levels slightly today too.

One of the side effects of this transition is that all patrons will receive the backstage pass from now on.



So... being a 25c/map kinda guy, I don't actually track how many times you hit the 12 map maxiumum..... but I bet you'll get the $3/month I can afford with a $1/map pledge a lot more consistently.


Upped my pledge too.