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When I got a copy of the Dungeoneer's Survival Guide some 36 years ago, it was a flood of information, rules I would consistently ignore, scraps about the underdark for the first time since the D series of adventures...

And a collection of pages at the back on drawing perspective-based maps. Not the isometric (axonometric) projections of Castle Ravenloft, but grids set at various perspectives and rotations along with instructions on photocopying and cutting them up, or tracing them in order to draw multi-tiered maps of some of the larger spaces in the underdark.

33 years later, I finally did it, and today we're re-releasing it!

I ended up choosing a grid that looks a lot like an isometric projection instead of a perspective piece, and following the directions for tracing the grid for a section, then moving the grid and tracing the next section produces very... vertical separations between elevations.

The end result is a multi-tiered open space to explore - a large uneven "cave" (that has definitely been modified by the residents over the ages) with ramps and stairs between sections.





It reminds me of the maps for Mines of Bloodstone, although those are a strange kind of.. well I am not sure. Perspective? I think they would work far better in the style you used here.

PeeboThuhlu (^_^)

B5 "Lost City" is that you? (Least I think that's the right adventure number. The one with the big, Connan tentacle monster in the basement.Under the pyramid in the desert?)