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This dungeon level was designed by Greg Oppedisano as part of his #Dungeon23 project, and I loved the huge chains, twisting & looping passages, and general design so much that I asked if I could redraw it in my style – and thus we have the Goblinoid Pits…

The obvious biggest point of interest is how this level is connected to two other zones via giant chains, and to a small sub-domain of its own also (on the upper right – a small stony plateau with four pillars and a small stone structure on it). Much of the rest of the level is twisting caves and a whole section of warrens for the goblinoids.

I’ll check in with Greg and see if he’s posted the full contents of this level anywhere as part of the #d23 project, and if so I’ll link to it here later.

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 11,700 pixels (39 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for the recommended 10′ squares) – so resizing it to either 2,730 pixels wide or 5,460 pixels wide, respectively.




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