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Every month we go through our back catalogue of maps and you vote on which two should be re-released under the free commercial use license. Our second release from December’s poll is this map I drew after working on “Mythic Odysseys of Theros” for Wizards of the Coast – a temple to a water goddess. Again, like the previous Kraken release this month, I must remind readers that none of the text nor the name of the map is available for use as it uses IP that is copyright by Wizards of the Coast – only the maps themselves are released under this license.

The Water Pass in the mountains of Akros does not lead out of the mountains – a circuitous route instead returns those who wander this false pass back to the Phoberos badlands. Near the highest point in the pass is an archway cut into the stone with massive stoneware water vessels on each side – through the archway are stairs descending into a quieter and gentler place that echoes with the sound of running water. This is the Alithinero – a temple sacred to the guardian of cities, Ephara. A spring on the upper level of the temple dispenses water into a sacred pool where it then overflows into a pool in the chamber below before flowing into a small grotto and then into an underground stream that comes out near the city of Akros proper and is then connected to the city’s aqueducts.

The water is believed to be a gift from Ephara – magically poured from her urn to nurture the people of Akros, but done from afar in the high mountains to make them work for it for the folk of Akros are a hardy lot and would not accept such a gift were it simply given to them. The Alithinero is decorated with statues of both aspects of Ephara and of some of the greatest warriors of Akros who were dedicated to the growth of the city and its protection.

But the waters have stopped. Something or someone has interrupted the flow of the Alithinero and a single faithful servant of Ephara has stumbled into town, bloodied and mangled and muttering about blood in the water and cannibals in the temple.

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 9.900 pixels (33 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for 10′ squares) – so resizing it to either 2,310 pixels wide or 4,620 pixels wide, respectively.




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