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“Cleverly” named based on the primary current purpose of this old sinkhole on the outskirts of Lautuntown in the hills of Pantesh – dead goblin hole is where prisoners are tossed when they aren’t needing to face “justice” in more civilized areas. This is mostly raiders from the local goblin tribes and those locals and visiting people who decide to join or aid these lawless little monsters.

The entrance by the top of the stairs is walled and gated and guarded by a couple of townsfolk at any time – and a few of the volunteers are exceptionally cruel so those still living within the pit keep away from the doors. The walls of the hole are thick with edible mosses and fungi, and the water at the bottom filters up from below and is usually quite clean except right after a major rainfall. This allows those who don’t die being thrown into the pit (or encountering the denizens of the pit) to survive down here for some time.

The four levels of dead goblin hole each have their own residents. Many of the side caves have rusty metal scrap around from when this was an actual prison (and one cell is maintained on level 3 as a defensive structure for whatever group is living there at the time).

And of course, it turns out that the bandits recently thrown into the hole are actually the prince-in-exile of a nearby city-state and a few of his companions… and if someone could find them and break them out that would set up a legitimate claim to the throne…

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 12,000 pixels (40 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for 10′ squares) – so resizing the image to either 2,800 pixels wide or 5,600 pixels wide, respectively.




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