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“Deep in the desert of endless sands rests a grove of rocky outcroppings overlooking a landlocked sea that shrinks each year. Its water is briny to the point that no life exists on or between its shores. But this Salted Sea stretches far across the endless sands and those who sail upon it can fast reach the jungle lands beyond. Because of the strategic value in shortening the trips between the City of Splendours to the north and the Great Library in the City of Mud to the south, there exists a city nestled in the rocky groves overlooking the shore of the Salted Sea. This is the City of Tears, sustained by a single water source.“

– Zzarchov Kowolski’s “City of Tears”

Beneath the Sultan’s Basement are the remnants of the Imperial Sewers – home to undead soldiers still strangely loyal to the long-dead Sultan, and a herd of hippos that are “farmed” by the cyclops living in the Sultan’s Basement above.

This level is much less complex than the Sultan’s Basement. The main access is the stairs roughly in the centre of the map that come down from a secret room near the centre of the basement level, but there are also accessways by ladder and via the hole in the the south end of the basement that leads to the most southern room here (which is how the cyclops moves between the floors).

The main access to the rest of the sewers is blocked by a strange magical barrier (lower right) and this level is home to a lot of secret areas – the level seems much smaller until these have been discovered via travel between the levels or triggering traps or wandering monsters…

This map was drawn to replace the map I drew for Zzarchov’s “The City of Tears” published in the summer of 2018.

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 13,800 pixels (46 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for 10′ squares) – so resizing it to either 3,220 pixels wide or 6,440 pixels wide, respectively.




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