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This is the fourth and final set of sewermorphs for 2021. This set of three geomorphs includes a standard 10×10 geomorph (lower left) a 20×10 geomorph (takes up the space of 2 regular geomorphs – upper left), and a 30×10 geomorph (taking up the space of 3 regular geomorphs – right). Oversized morphs like these allow for larger structures or structures that span a regular gemorph’s break points allowing for designes you couldn’t do within a set of standard geomorphs. The downside of course is that they can’t fit on dice or the regular 10×10 cards.

Like the rest of the sewermorph set – these incorporate a change to the classic dungeonmorph design – adding two additional entrances in the central point of some faces of the tile for the sewer line. Those faces have to connect to other sewermorphs, while the other faces can connect to any standard dungeon geomorph. Both of the oversized geomorphs have only 2 sewer access points at the top and bottom of the geomorph. The regular sized geomorph has a sewer line access on each of the four sides (and a very large collection pool in the middle).

