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Many things were lost in the deep halls of Kadar-Khalizad as the dwarven citadel slowly died after their Loremaster locked himself in the lowest levels and no dwarves would return there. Ancient stairs lead down from the burial vaults to the domain of Gazul, the dwarven ancestor-god who protects the dead. Partially collapsed and flooded, these halls are home to many ancient sarcophagi containing the last remains of many of the past elders of Kadar-Khalizad.

Over the ages the waters have been fouled and the stonework has been collapsing – proof that something foul and rotten has taken hold here as the rest of the construction of the citadel has survived ages of abuse at the hands of goblins and their ilk. Things of chaos have made their home here and lurk within the waters hungry for new victims.

A statue of Gazul stands on a raised platform at the end of the main hall. He holds a carving of his greatsword “Flaming Vengeance”. If the sword is somehow lit on fire (wrapped with cloth or covered in oil, then set alight for instance), the secret door to Gazul’s left swings open to ancient dwarven treasures and grave goods. If the persons claiming these goods have already slain the beasts of chaos here and haven’t desecrated too many sarcophagi, then they will not be cursed for their temerity.

The Lost Hall of Gazul, Protector of the Dead is designed to be shrunk down to fit perfectly on a 3″ x 5″ index card. The goal is to have a nice collection of these cards for emergency use when I (or you) need a small dungeon on the fly. Gazul and Kadar-Khalizad are referenced from the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying game.

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 9,000 pixels (30 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for 10′ squares) – so resizing it to either 2,100 pixels wide or 4,200 pixels wide, respectively.




PeeboThuhlu (^_^)

My one comment form utilising these wonderous offerings in ho0me games is that, should there be a/any 'Sekrit' things? That two maps possibly be offered? Thatway the DM can have an easier time of keeping such sekrits fomr the players untill the appropriate, opportune moment. (^_^)

colin r

For one, it's really hard to recognize a map from the inside. For two, Dyson's been doing this for years. Pick a map from more than a couple weeks ago, and if any player actually remembers where the secret door is, they deserve a cookie. But even if you actually are playing with someone with a photographic memory, it's still pretty easy to just make the drawn secret door a trap, and move the actual secret door to a different room.