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Welcome to the sewers… This complex of passages, sewers, collection pools, and drainage outlets is designed to be a central feature in a fantasy sewercrawl environment. You can link it up to the two sewer maps from Waterdeep Dragon Heist, add a bunch of the sewer elements that I have posted to the blog over the years, and it also has four connectors designed to be linked to the six sewermorphs posted last month and the 12 more that are coming this month.

In fact, there’s enough sewer action going on that tomorrow I’ll go through the blog and collect all the sewer maps and make a new sub-page to make it easier to find sewer sections for use in your games.

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 12,000 pixels (40 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for 10′ squares) – so resizing it to either 2,800 pixels wide or 5,600 pixels wide, respectively.




Steven Coffman

I have really enjoyed using the dungeonmorphs as part of a single , magically ever-changing dungeon labyrinth. Recently, the idea that a city would just knowingly channel its own sewers into such a place as a form of waste water treatment has tickled me pink. "Yeah, everyday at the same time we put a dated message in a bottle in the water, and they come out in completely random order, months or sometimes years later. Water comes out a lot cleaner than it goes in, especially depending on how long it's been in there."