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Twelve years ago I started posting Geomorphs to this blog. Twelve years. I posted the first geomorph to the blog at the end of October, 2009. Here we are in 2021 and I’m still posting new ones to add to the mix.

This time there’s a change to the design. The standard design is a 10 x 10 grid with entrances at squares 3 & 8 on each face. For these sewermorphs though, between 1 and 4 additional entrances have been added, in the central point of the face (straddling the line between squares 5 & 6). These are exclusively for the sewer lines and mean that these faces have to be linked to another sewermorph with an corresponding sewer entrance. The faces of a sewermorph that doesn’t include a sewer line can be linked to any standard geomorph instead of a sewermorph.

This set includes three geomorphs with two sewer line entrances, one with 3 (where two lines converge into a single line) and two with a single sewer line entrance (“start points” for the sewers where they collect water and refuse from smaller pipes and such).

I’ve got a few more of these sets to post. Once they are all up, I’ll post a demonstration sewer that uses them and “standard” geomorphs to full effect.

And of course, we know who to blame for these new sewermorphs. While I came up with the design and format again (after a bit of experimentation), the impetus is that Inkwell Ideas is going to be launching a new DungeonMorph Kickstarter in the new year as this year is the tenth anniversary of the original DungeonMorph Dice KS. And we’ve got a stellar crew of cartographers working on the new morphs this year!




Steven Coffman

OMG! This is just what I was telling my friend I wanted! Thanks! I hope they make these into the dry erase tiles again. Those have been a huge time saver.


Awesome! There's a lot more of these coming next month, and I do believe the dry-erase tiles are in the plan again.


Your dungeon geomorph tiles are what inspired me to create my own! Thank you!