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Five years ago I put out a set of dungeon geomorphs designed to be printed on business cards. And the uptake was fabulous with a number of cool peeps using them as the backs for their business cards.

So here we are a full five years later, and I figured it was about time to expand the set. So here’s five new little geomorphic business card backs:

Each card is the right size for a business card, with about a 1/8″ over-run at each exit so that you can use them with business card printers that accept bleed in the card designs (so the drawing will go right to the edges of the cards).

For setting up your print files, the cards are available one image at a time on the Dodecahedron – each is 2.25 x 3.75 inches in size (2 x 3.5 + 1/8 inch bleed in each direction) at 300 dpi.




John Fiala

Very cool. A few years ago I put a couple of your business card geomorphs onto a beach towel, and I'm tempted to do it again with some of these.