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We were visiting Rü in the Kerunán Protectorate when the cultists of Sárku caught up to us. We quietly returned them to their five headed lord of worms in an alley, but needed a place to hide their bodies as we were already having enough problems with the local temples and an agent of the Omnipotent Azure Legion on our tail. A few copper Qirgals in the right beggars hands got us to a nearby access to the Rü underworld. Tucked into an alleyway is an old stone door with a massive padlock that doesn’t actually keep the door closed in any way… and beyond that stairs under the city.

This area appears to have once been a temple of Chegárra built over during a Ditlána. Now it just stinks. A small cluster of Ahoggyá have taken up residence here and have taken a place that was already decrepit and noxious and made it far worse. Feces and carrion litter the floors and any respect for this old temple is completely lost on these foul and distempered creatures. Supposedly several of them work as mercenaries and bodyguards in the city above, and they seem to “let loose” down here after a long day of pretending to be civilized above. A few gold Kaitars was all it took for them to ignore us, and another couple for one of them to aim us to the stairs down into the true underworld of the city. But first we dumped the bodies in a side chamber that was part garbage pit and part charnel house already. Even if the cultists were found by magic, odds are that the Ahoggyá will take the blame instead of us.

The chambers on the right side of the structure seem to be in better shape, avoiding the attentions of the residents and quietly awaiting the return of legitimate worshippers of Chegárra and Karakán to return. And the stairs lead down into older remains of the city above that we used to escape to the old ruins outside of Rü to continue our journey out of Tsolyánu.

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 9,600 pixels (32 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for 10′ squares) – so resizing it to either 2,240 pixels wide or 4,480 pixels wide, respectively.




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