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The goblin lotus is a vile mutation of the black lotus – like the “typical” black lotus flowers which grant strange dreams under the spell of sleep, the corpse-white goblin lotus brings nightmares and paralysis to those who breathe the sickly scent… and then tendrils reach out to consume the victim as they lay there unable to save themselves. The castellan of Basamy Keep keeps a small cavern of these horrid plants in the lowest dungeons of the keep where they are cultivated by a family with a hereditary lack of the sense of smell.

When removed from the plant proper, the flowers and scent still cause paralysis and horrendous nightmares and the castellan uses them in interrogating prisoners and to reinforce his heavy-handed rule of the locals. Some of the tribes of the regions where the goblin lotus originally comes from also use it for nightmarish vision quests and coming of age rituals in search of their demon priests.

Knowing that the garden is an obvious target for local insurrectionists as well as those who try to gain their use for their own ends, the castellan has several necrophidiae prowling the dungeons under the command of a shadow demon who takes particular pleasure in seeing the goblin lotus being misused.

The 1200 dpi version of the map was drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and is 9,600 pixels (32 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for 10′ squares) – so resizing it to either 2,240 pixels wide or 4,480 pixels wide, respectively.





The folded-paper effect is subtle. Just right.