Backstage Pass - Season 3 - Issue 3 (Patreon)
Thanks for the patience and the support everyone!
Here is the backstage pass for March 2016. This includes one map that was included in the February backstage pass (the city of Letath) that ended up getting bumped out of the rotation by the last-minute entry of the Valentine's Day map that I drew in its place.
This month includes a lot of maps that were drawn based on requests from the patrons at the $2.50 level and up, and includes:
- The House of Seven Wines (a small noble house in the Yellow City)
- Pyramids and Ruins between jungle and desert
- A small prison complex
- The City of Letath (finally!)
- A (for now) nameless fortress
- A dungeon that fits on a cube
- An Asian-themed temple complex
- An underwater Sahuagin lair
- A tower that rotates as you adventure within it, changing configurations on the fly.