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Somewhere over the horizon on the Persimmon Sea is Sanctum Cay – a small island that was once home to a hateful druid who would turn the sea against any vessels that dared approach. With the death of the druid a decade ago, it almost feels like his magics “wore out” the local weather, and the island now never sees extreme weather. Fishermen and merchants now mark the site as a place to head to when storms roll in and the seas are rough (and to avoid the wereshark pirate that controls the waters closer to the coast).

There are several ruins on the island, moss and vine covered structures that are home to a number of odd vegetable-based creatures – goblinesque bipeds that farm and harvest the various mosses that have overgrown the island. The mosses themselves have strange and magical effects (depending on the season and the moss they can grant bonuses to Strength, hit points, Wisdom, morale, or initiative; or provide visions (as contact higher plane), barkskin, infravision, and so on – lasting 1d6+1 hours once the moss has been consumed) but also turn those who partake in these strange meals into goblins themselves (save vs poison once the effects are done or begin transforming into an NPC moss-goblin over the next 1d6 days).





The only Leshy I'm familiar with is the Slavic forest god (who shows up and is a key encounter in Something Rotten in Kislev for WHFRP1e)

George I Lemke

Pathfinder RPG has several leshy types. They're classified as magical constructs in 1e, but I'm not sure about 2e, though one of the newer 2e books has them as a playable race