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Perched over the great cities of the plains, Tabuld Amberhand watches the world change from his throne room in Windkeep Citadel. Beneath the halls of the Citadel are of course the dungeons – home to those “special” prisoners who are not dealt with by the common constabulary and “justice” system of the plains cities. There are four levels to the dungeons all connected by a single stairway – the three lower levels of which are dedicated to housing prisoners.

Level 2 has four large cells for “sensitive” prisoners who need to be treated with some amount of decency as well as six standard cells for lesser prisoners who aren’t to be relegated to the lower dungeons.

Level 3 contains two wings of cells. The north side is a set of twelve oubliettes – cells that can only be accessed from above – food and water is dumped into the cells through the bars above, and wastes are typically only removed once the prisoner has been… relocated elsewhere. Prisoners kept in these cells are those who are not expected to be “needed” any time soon, and occasionally those who it is expected will be willing to tell all after a few days of thinking they’ve been forgotten here. The south cells are set up along a circular passage around a larger “common” cell that typically holds 2d6 prisoners at any time.

The lowest level is cold and damp, with water dripping down the walls of the cells. Fifteen small cells and a common cell are down here for the lowest of prisoners – those not so much forgotten here (those go to the oubliettes), but those who are most forgettable. A single double-sized cell is used by the guards as a “reward” for good behaviour on occasion.

High resolution versions of the map are available with and without grid on the Dodecahedron.





Beautiful work.