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Like last week’s Dungeon of Holding, today’s map is another secret dungeon level hidden beneath another structure or at least well-concealed beside an existing fortification. In the latter concept, I would make the central room (which is much higher up than the rest of the dungeon) open to the sky above and protected by a tall wall as part of other fortifications. From that central space (and the massive cage that takes up the middle of it) there are four staircases down to the various sections of the level (three of which are interconnected).

The secret facility can have a number of purposes, but the most obvious and immediate one is to hold whatever creatures are within that large central cage. The facilities in the lower areas offer support for those working on or with these beasts as well as storage for equipment and items related to the study of the creatures and the magics of warfare.

Because of the secret nature of the location, there are also a number of secret areas, passages, and doors.  In addition, several areas are “flooded” with waist-deep oily water which may be concealing other defensive measures.

I can’t claim that this map is all that original, however. It is adapted from a map released in 1993 that I came across again during a Psi World game run by James V. West (being used as the sub-basement of a hospital in that game) which encouraged me to play the classic game again and in turn to draw this map.

The version on the blog is available both with and without grid.





Took me a minute.