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The Communion of the Gold Hand doesn’t appear all that secretive. The members (mostly merchants, traders, importers and exporters) each wear a golden ring set to look like a hand is holding the band of the ring and attend small gatherings at the Communion headquarters on Bell Street.

Beneath the Communion headquarters is a much larger structure with permanent guards, temple staff, and a few members of the Communion who have become “changed” through their rituals and magics. Because the Communion is seen as a mercantile society, food and goods are delivered here under the pretense that they are trade goods being held for one of the Communion members. Once the cases of goods are empty they are shipped back out empty to other member warehouses where they are then lost in the mix and reused. This makes it easy to hide the true number of staff who live, worship, and study here.

Garbage and waste is sometimes shipped out in these boxes, but most organic garbage is dumped into the lowest level pit which is home to an otyugh.





There are a lot of maps online, but your projects continue to stand out as go-to resources. One of the best aspects of Dyson maps that has been consistent since the beginning is how USEFUL they are. In looking at this map I can see how I would use it, there is an inspirational balance to the elements here. I also really enjoy the quick sketch of optional context with a few vivid details. I appreciate your ongoing excellence.