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As the first adventure of the new campaign, we have chosen to rally behind the cleric in their search for artifacts and relics of Saint Sadon the Orange – a champion of Irmos the Victor. The small village of Iyesgarten provides little direct information (it is said that their church once held Sadon’s pauldrons – but that church burned down so long ago that none in Iyesgarten even remember where it used to be).

However, a helpful merchant told us of an ancient sage in the hills south of town that had been providing help and prophecies to those who knew where to find her since at least as far back as his grandfather’s days.

Following his directions, we found the cave he referenced – almost appearing to be “tucked under” one of the hills – and the entrance to which is obviously maintained, cleaned of fallen mud and debris from the seasons. The lower sections of the cave are infested with small humanoid plant-goblins (veggie-mites*) and their pale herds of alabaster snails. They are lead from the deepest chamber by a wheezing corpulent potato-monarch who’s orders are incomprehensible, even to their subjects. The monarch’s chamber is quiet aside from their wheezing, dimly illuminated by seeming constellations of bio-luminescent snails that cover the walls and ceiling.

Near the entrance to the cave is a long twisting passage leading up into the hillside. Part way up this passage are a pair of chambers each containing statues that can only be explained as adventurers (and a companion panther) petrified in action. At the top of the passage is another chamber looked over by the statue of a hunched half-ogre. From behind the curtain stepped a goat-bodied lamia, clearly ancient and blind. Having heard our fighting with the veggie-mites below, the lamia seemed resigned to die at our blades and was surprised when we instead asked for their help and knowledge…

Thanks to Skerples for the Veggie-Mites, drawn from the sci-fi chapter of the upcoming Monster Overhaul project.




Jonathan Streeter

Hex Graph??? just... throwing it out there from GURPS GM... Us hex-based players need some loven toooooo....


With work that isn't direct to digital, it is difficult to change the format of the grid, since I draw it by hand.


Awesome work. Are you running this campaign with a local group congruent to this (I always wonder where it comes from)