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Every month we go through our back catalog of maps and the many patrons over on Patreons vote on which two should be re-released under the free commercial use license. Our second map this month is was drawn way back in 2014.

I like towers, I particularly like them when the entrance isn’t completely obvious. This reminds me of a fort at a park I used to play in as a kid – you had to walk down a long concrete pipe (basically a sewer main pipe) under a hill to get to the tower in the wooden fort.

There are two ways into this tower, either the tunnel in through the hillside, or you have to climb the sheer sides of the stone construction in order to access the ladder that leads up to the roof from the tower below.

This particular map was drawn “old school” for me. It was drawn using a 0.7mm gel pen in my Moleskine notebook. It actually takes up three pages in the little notebook – one for the side view, one for sections A & B and finally one for sections C & D.





Great job. I really want to load it into roll 20 or pshop and layout the rooms to give it life