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In a departure from the norms of dungeon development (where foul goblinoids and monsters invade the subterranean works of other races), Lord Scart of the Hemron Coalition took over a series of crudely-cut but extensive goblin warrens and spent twelve years with a large team of engineers and sappers to establish Scart’s Hall.

A combination of masonry and finished raw stone gives Scart’s Hall a finish similar to most surface castles, except (as most guards would point out) that it is even darker, colder and damper.

And far more confusing.

Being derived from a goblin warren, the structure twists and loops around itself and is split into multiple elevations, with a further winding stair leading down to a lower level of warrens and chambers.

Thanks to the awesome support of the patrons of my Patreon campaign, this map is available for you for free for non-commercial use - you can download 300dpi versions of the map with and without grid from the blog post at: https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2015/08/25/tuesday-map-scarts-hall/



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