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I'm late. I'm always late. But I realized something this year - I could get a jump on NEXT YEAR, and if everything goes perfectly, I can even get what I want to get done this year by early next year.

So,  do you want random crap from chez Dyson on occasion (and probably custom holiday cards delivered a little late for Christmas because I never get anything done on time)?

Put your info here (using the Postable link provided, not in the comments please), and I'll probably get around to it!


Dyson Logos's Postable address book

A stellar collection of cards AND Postable prints, addresses and mails them for you. No more licking! Ideal for holidays, birthdays, weddings, babies and all other snail mail worthy occasions.



I'm deleting everyone's info here, and copying it over to the address book in the link. Don't need y'all doxxing yourselves here. :)


No, seriously folks, don't post here, follow the link and write in your info there... where it is secure and private.