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You've probably noted the lack of backstage passes in November & December. I got way behind dealing with commissions while also trying to take care of my APUs (Aged Parental Units). There have been a lot of recent changes in the health and mobility of my parents, and I've been spending a lot of time helping take care of them which has meant a lot of trips back and forth to their cute little home that is 150 minutes away from here.

The combined time and emotional crunch has resulted in me letting a few things slip here and there. While I usually go into each month with 10+ maps drawn, I don't have any drawn for December right now. Which means no back stage pass. The upside is that I am 24-48 hours away from being done my last commission for the year and have pushed off any new work until the spring, giving me the winter to focus entirely on Patreon and parents. 

What this means to you, my amazing patrons:

In the next couple of days I'll send out the backstage pass for November - yes, you've seen all the maps already, but a lot of people really like them collected into the zip file, so that will be out soon.

December's backstage pass will be handled the same way - at the end of December I'll release a zip file of all the maps from this month.

By January, we should be back on track with the usual backstage pass being released near the beginning of the month.

Also at the beginning of January I'll be releasing the next commercial map collection on DTRPG (all the maps released under a commercial license in 2019) - Patrons at the $5 level and above will receive a free copy of this collection.

I also have plans in place for Patreon-exclusive releases for both December & January, but don't want to jinx myself at this point by making promises on those. The goal is to try to get at least 8 exclusive releases over 2020 - some will be re-released commercially later, but never sooner than 1 year after their release through Patreon.

Thank you again for your support. YOU are the ones who make this possible and I feel forever in your debt for helping me along this wild ride!



And it so happens you have provided just a few, a couple, one or two maps in the past that I can draw upon in the meanwhile. I just used one of your 2014 "busted towers" for a great original RuneQuest session.


First and foremost take care of yourself and your family. Thanks for the update. Cheers, and have a good holiday.