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When it was built, it probably bore some fancy elven name that translated into “Spire that reaches from the soil to the stars” or similar nonsense, today this tower on a hard stone escarpment is merely known as the Ledge Tower.

Not a strongly defensible position, the tower has three distinct entrances as well as those created by siege and nature in the centuries since its construction. At one point the tower was probably at least sixty feet taller than it is now, but all that remains is a small ruin that sticks out above the mesa into which it is built.

Thanks to the awesome patrons of the Dodecahedron Patreon Campaign, you can download a 300dpi version of the map for personal or commercial use from the blog at https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2015/08/11/tuesday-map-the-ledge-tower/




Hey, the link seems broken. I can copy/paste the address from the text and it'll work but if I just click the link I get a Bad Request error. Just FYI.


This is a lovely map Is there a version with a grid available?


Unfortunately, no. I drew this so small that meshing the grid to it ended up with almost no visible grid lines. A bit of wrangling in photoshop could probably link up a new grid to it by someone who wanted to go through the work.