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Labhruinn’s Tavern is a cosy little establishment built into the basement of three story stone & wood residential structure on Clinker Street. While the clientelle was mostly boatbuilders and clinkers when Labhruinn’s opened, the growth of the city has gentrified the neighbourhood and now most of the customers own or work for the various merchants and tradesmen who live here.

The tavern has passed along via debt payments, gifts, and the occasional at-value cash transfer through the Labhruinn family. The current owner of Labhruinn’s is a distant cousin of the original owner, who doesn’t actually share the family name (although everyone calls him Joe Labhruinn anyways).

The front entrance to the tavern is down some stairs from street level, although the back entrance opens directly into the alley behind the building, which is about 8 feet lower than the road at the front.

The tavern itself is fairly well maintained, the wood all darkened from years of smoke and greasy food. The bar is usually tended by Joe Labhruinn in the evenings and at night, with day staff covering the bar during the quiet hours of the day while Joe sleeps in the back room.

Beneath the tavern is a sub-basement which was used as a wine cellar at one point when the tavern was aiming for a higher class of customer. Now it is mostly empty with a few old kegs of ale that no one would ever consider serving or drinking, and a secret door into a small room which has been used on occasion to shelter friends or family on the run from the law or local thugs.

The design of the tavern proper (but not the back areas) is based on the layout of MacLaren’s pub from the TV show “How I Met Your Mother”.




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