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We continue our explorations of points of interest in the sewers beneath Waterdeep. This series of maps is designed to mesh perfectly with the sewer-based maps that I drew for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist.

Today we find ourselves at an interesting little nexus of sewers and associated basements of street-level structures.

The most obvious point of interest is the large pool in the centre of the map – here a number of much smaller sewer lines (more pipes than standard sewers) combine to join the main sewer line that runs past to the south. The pool has a raised walkway around it from which workers can push lengths of rod up the pipes to try to clear blockages.

There are a total of four substructures around the periphery of this sewer intersection.

On the upper right is the sealed off basement under a house. At some point the basement access was removed, and the stairs here lead up to a flat floor with no means of access to the street level short of a crowbar and/or axe to work through the floor above. Access to this basement is via secret door into the sewers and it was used for secure storage by one criminal organization or another until they lost track of it during a change of personnel. Now it is just a spider-infested room full of old stolen goods.

On the lower right are a pair of basements of functioning businesses. Each has a sewer grate leading below to the sewers for easy dumping of liquid and semi-liquid goods. Unfortunately, one of these is a street “butcher” and the liquids drained here are mostly dog and rat blood and innards. This tends to attract ghouls to the area, and thus both of these grates are very well secured.

Finally we have the basement of a successful business on the left side of the map, and the attempts by a few ne’er do wells to tunnel through the wall from the sewers to said basement for late-night surreptitious access to said business.

1200dpi version and free commercial-use license is here: https://dysonlogos.blog/2019/11/04/cage-sewers/




This is great! I love the incorporation of nearby basements and businesses. Because I'm a bit of a Waterdeep nerd, I looked at the 3e Sewers of Waterdeep map to see what they had below Cage Street, and it does look like several tunnels come together there, but not in a configuration matching this map. The Sewer Hideout map from Chapter 1 of W:DH that you drew maps very well to the junction west of SF68 on the 3e map, which was really helpful for our group as we were able to to incorporate that in our sessions. Cage Street would be just east of SF70 on the 3e map, but nothing there resembles this map. Am I understanding your map wrong, or is there no correlation intended to the 3e map?


No correlation to the 3e map. Sorry. They are pretty much meant to be put wherever would be useful for your game, and the name is just there so they aren't all called "interesting sewer connection #17".


Thank for this literally fear and anxiety inducing line: "...liquids drained here are mostly ... blood and innards. This tends to attract ghouls to the area, and thus both of these grates are very well secured." Nothing like a trip to the basement to have some eyes looking at you on the other side of a gate.