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Back beneath the streets of Waterdeep, we continue to explore the sewers around the hideout from Dragon Heist.

This section of sewers has a maintenance access in the lower right side – a hatch opens to a ladder and then stairs down to a set of rooms with some tools and a small workbench. All doors down here are locked and sewer workers are given the keys as needed.

Of more interest are the structures in the upper left – a street-level access leads down to a small “underground market” here. Two small shops are down here, and a slightly larger space that is shared by a few vendors who bring their own stock down when the market is in use and leave with it after hours. The market is a minor black market site that is mostly a convenience to disguise even more secretive comings and goings to this area as it contains a secret temple dedicated to a worship that is banned in these civilized lands.




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