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It is done! 

The 2019 reissue of the classic mini mega dungeon from the early days of my blog. Dyson's Delve is an 11 level dungeon with all new maps that is exclusively presented here for your enjoyment.

I'm proud of this reissue of the classic Delve, and plan on releasing it commercially next summer (the plan is to print off a bunch of them to send along to various conventions - and make a version available through DriveThruRPG and Lulu).

But until next summer, this is exclusively for you - the patrons who support my work from month to month. I recommend printing it using the "booklet" option in Acrobat to make a lovely digest-sized copy for your use. Alternately, you can print it at two pages to the page, producing a set of 12 full page spreads each with its own level of the dungeon on it.

Download it and enjoy! 

(and if you spot any glaring errors or omissions, drop me a line and I'll try to get them fixed ASAP).




No... I'm REALLY bad at following up on fixing things. REALLY REALLY bad. That's why the Book of Swords KS was launched with Squarehex instead of running it myself.


Reading the triple-REALLY kinda made me chuckle for some reason! :D FWIW: I would fully support a "following up on fixing things" themed month or something along those lines, but obviously you should keep doing whatever keeps you motivated.