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Part two of this week’s Asymmetric Temple map, these are the two underground levels of the temple where most of the actual service work of the temple takes place. At the bottom of the main ramp is the main service area on the left which is used for funerary rites and other obeisances to the death god (with the morgue just to the south of it, and the chief embalmer’s quarters on the lower left of the map just south of the temporary crypts). The right hand side of this level is mostly scribes and archives. The boring stuff that keeps a temple operational from day to day. The long 20′ wide room on the north side is a dormitory for apprentices and some guards who don’t have homes in the city next to a room used for quiet contemplation of death (and a concealed door behind the tapestries opening to the stairs that lead up to the upper level of the temple).

The lowest level of the temple opens with a chapel behind which is a small store room with a small locked door that leads to another stairwell that leads up to a secret door in a small shrine just outside of the temple compound. But of course, the whole complex could be something completely different – this is just what I was picturing as I drew the various areas.

300 dpi versions of the map both with and without grid are available from the blog post at https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2015/06/12/tuesday-map-the-asymmetric-temple-underground/
These maps (and the surface level maps posted earlier this week) are released not only for personal use, but are available to you under a free commercial use license also thanks to the support of the awesome patrons of the Patreon Campaign.


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