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A small dungeon or sublevel of another dungeon, the Black Armoury is where the Mad King sealed away the Weapon after using it once in the Battle of Zayhr Mountain. The guardians of the weapon are trapped here in eternal vigilance – their own life force replaced with the energies of the Weapon itself.

The structure itself is a multi-tiered affair with stairs up and down to various sections, and a high ceilinged chamber with rough natural cliffs and ledges has an overlook that leads back to the upper hall of the armoury.

Linking the various levels and sections together is a small secret chamber – home to the Mad King’s advisor and assassin who is the elder among the Weapon’s guardians.




Brandon Blackmoor

Where would the Weapon itself likely be found?


Probably the raised dais on the middle-right - the furthest point from the door and most defensible. But that might be a fake, and the real one might be in a linen trunk under a table in the secret room, wrapped in an old blanket.

Andrew Sternick

I envision an opening at the bottom of the cliifs on the left, plunging mysteriously into darkness. with dangerous denizens of the further depths warded from emerging by something the PCs will inevitably dispel. And once that happens, a foul reek begins filling the natural chasm. That's the PCs' hint to GTFO, or prepare for an even worse fight.