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If we set the wayback machine to nearly a decade ago, there’s essentially a full year where I posted nothing but geomorphs to the blog. Behind the scenes I spent a couple of months working on geomorph concepts to figure out what format worked well enough that it was not too apparent when you moved from one geomorph to the next.

I was originally going to work with Erol Otus’ “Geomorphic Mini Dungeon Modules” format of 11 x 11 with entrances in the sixth square on each side, but it was way too obvious when you moved from one to the next – it felt like you were exploring geomorphs instead of a cohesive map.

After about a dozen designs, I settled on these 10 x 10 geomorphs with entrances on squares 3 & 8. The design caught on and there are thousands of geomorphs available on the net that use this structure now.

As you can see in the photo, I’ve started drawing them again. I’m making a dozen or so new geomorphs that I’ll be posting to the blog over the next while. As with most of my modern work, they are available here as 1200dpi images – but there’s a whole other way you can get them…

Joe at Inkwell Ideas has launched a new Dungeonmorph Dice Kickstarter. The new geomorphs that I post to the blog will be appearing on these new dice. The last batch of Dungeonmorph Dice were awesome – big wonderful chunky dice with a huge number of geomorphs drawn by myself and other geomorphers from the community.

I’m really excited to be part of doing this again.

Every die in this new set will have at least one face that I designed.

So! Here’s the first set of geomorph designs. The first two are prison/jail complexes (but likely only one of these two will appear on the final dice). The bottom row contains a worship area (a fairly large underworld temple) and a set of magical pools a la In Search of the Unknown.

Now, these high resolution designs shown here are not how they will look on the dice – these are 1200dpi drawings with each geomorph being 2 1/2 inches wide so you can use them in your games. Bringing them down to a resolution that can be engraved on a 1″ die involves the skillful reduction of details to maintain the structure and all the primary details to make them easy to read at the smaller size (and able to be engraved consistently and legibly).

So go check out the Kickstarter now, and get in on these Dungeonmorph Dice and let Joe know I sent you!





Just backed!


You inspired me to make my own geomorphs!