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The Wooden Duck is a walled coaching inn nearly a day’s ride from Granitespire, about an hour outside of Prince’s Harbour. It has a small tavern but is mostly dedicated to 8 private and semi-private rooms and a large common room for travelers to stay overnight.

The Wooden Duck is owned by a widower who moved here from Granitespire – he is eternally on edge because back in the city he killed a silver merchant and expects the monkeys of Granitespire to swarm down upon the Duck at any moment, even decades later.

The main bartender, Hemrus, is a particularly ugly halfling with spiky bright blond hair who wears tall platform shoes to look over the bar. He is energetic and quick, and yet quiet and surly in disposition. He earns tips for his prompt service, never for his pleasant demeanor.

In addition to the bartender, the Inn maintains a staff of 4-6 additional cooks and servants who take care of horses, clean the rooms, and cook when the main cook isn’t on hand.





Nice! Between the map and the description it has a very Pelinore vibe. (I mean that as a compliment.)

Patric Rogers

A good Inn is hard to find. I like the bartender, but the question is: does he walk on stilts or is the floor raised? Seems a lot of bars have raised floors these days, but doing so would make it harder for anyone else to work back there. Suggesting the bartender is perpetually cranky because he has to rush about on platform/stilts. Now, mayne the floor can raise and lower, depending on who is on shift? I mean, I had a desk recently that raised and lowered by hand crank. This wouldn't be hard to extrapolate to a world with halflings, especially if there was magic...


"does he walk on stilts or is the floor raised?" Hemrus, is a particularly ugly halfling with spiky bright blond hair who wears tall platform shoes to look over the bar.