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In grand underdark caverns the dark elves build their cities. The oldest families establish themselves in the more defensible positions and as close to the centre of the cavern for defensive advantage against invaders.

Today’s map is a fairly small stalagmite spire fortress. The spire is surrounded on three sides by a small fortress with a spiral ramp leading up from the fortress into and around the stalagmite. The arrows on the ramp lead upwards with a fairly aggressive angle.

One chamber dominates the interior of the spire – Accessed by visitors from the lower portions of the spire ramp, the family head receives guests and talks to them from the balcony on the next level, a good 40 feet above the floor of the chamber. Further up again are a set of galleries for other family members or assassins to listen in on conversations…

[Because this was drawn on ledger-sized paper, the 1200 dpi version of this map is too big for Patreon to handle, so you'll have to download it from the blog post - the one here is 300 dpi]





Oh, this is so great! Could well be a capstone on our Descent campaign.

John Fiala

At first I thought this was a stalactite fortress, which would also be cool.


This was inspired by a Patron request for a stalactite fortress... I just ended up approaching the design bass-ackwards in the end.