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Somewhere beneath the Machineries, Ul-Vir built a crypt where he keeps his failed golem and automaton designs.

Somewhere within these crypts is of course the MacGuffin that will reanimate the old warforged paladin the party is trying to work with.

Each of the statues (the stars in a circle) is another weird golem or automaton experiment by Ul-Vir. Most mount weird weaponry, additional sensory apparatus, extra arms, extra legs, tails, crossbows, and a variety of semi-functional oddities.

In a sunken pit twelve feet below floor level is an experimental version of one of Ul-Vir’s mightiest war golems – a 35 foot rusted monstrosity plated in heavy armour and bristling with strange armament. The heart of this machine is one of the last of Ul-Vir’s golemhearts – exactly the piece of hardware to bring back a dead warforged.

Thanks to your support, versions of the map with and without grid are available for download from the blog post at https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2018/03/23/the-golem-crypt-of-ul-vir-the-mad/


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