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With all the weirdness and rushing around this month between Patreon and Christmas, I didn’t put up the usual poll to decide on what old maps would be re-released under the Release the Kraken process this month.

So instead I’m releasing one every day (except the days I normally release maps) for this week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday). These have all been drawn from amongst the oldest maps on the blog – chosen both for style and for those that I am able to clean up into usable releases. This particular map was drawn in late 2012, five short years ago.

For some reason, this map has never been accompanied by any description beyond the name which I made up the day I drew it and then promptly forgot the map, location and name for a year or so before I found it again, scanned and released it.

The main shrine cave has a massive raised statue on the west wall and various caves and chambers that proceed beyond. The keeper of the shrine lives in a smaller cave above the shrine cave, with a secret door connecting the two caves.

Beyond the shrine and associated chambers are stairs that lead deeper...


(No title)



This definitely summons up some inspiration! Great work!