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The wail of the banshee can be heard through the fens for miles around. In the nearest village they pretend it is the call of a very persistent screech owl, but few actually believe it. 

On a low rocky hill near the middle of the fens is the old tower, scorched and partially collapsed. The banshee's home is in the second floor of the tower in the room open to the sky because of the partial collapse of the third floor. However, this is not where she died. The red-haired elven daughter of the lord of this tower was imprisoned in the dungeons below when the tower fell. The same dungeons where she was forgotten and died of deprivation pining for her father, her home, and her people.

And it is once again thanks to your support that this map is available for download from the blog post at https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2017/11/21/the-banshees-tower/ - thank you!


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